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Cleo is saved from certain death. But not by the space traveller she was expecting. Episode two of the audio drama series, set in the worlds of Doctor Who.

By Juno Dawson

Attacked by giant rats, Cleo’s expecting the Doctor to turn up – but instead she encounters a different enigmatic alien. Apex Costa explains he needs Cleo’s help - the Doctor’s missing. Meanwhile Abby and Shawna investigate a mysterious organisation called Torchwood.

Cleo Proctor - Charlie Craggs
Abby McPhail - Lois Chimimba
Shawna Thompson - Holly Quin-Ankrah
Apex Costa - Freddy Carter
Drone - Wilf Scolding

Directed by Bethany Weimers
Producer: James Goss
Executive Producer: James Robinson
Sound design by Rob Harvey
Original Composition by David Devereux

A tv Studios Production for tv Sounds


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26 minutes

2.2 – APEX

2.2 – APEX

by Juno Dawson

FX: tv Sounds Sting

ANNO You’re about to listen to series two of Doctor Who: Redacted. New episodes will be released weekly, wherever you get your podcasts. But if you’re in the UK, you can listen to the full series right now, first, on tv Sounds.


CLEO Oh my god what the hell? No way…this can’t be real.

The squeaking, rasping intensifies.

CLEO Please , please stop! Stop! Stay away!

More and more rats pour into the cellar.

I said get back!

She flails around with the garden fork. Rats shriek.

CLEO Just leave me alone…

The rats swarm around her. Cleo screams as they bear down on her.


She screams. Suddenly we hear a new voice – male, assured.

APEX (distant) Hello? You OK down there?

CLEO (Frantic) What? No! I’m about to get eaten by rats so what do you think?

APEX (distant) One sec.

Boom! He teleports down in a noisy whoosh. Now he’s right next to Cleo.

CLEO How did you do that?

APEX Teleporter. Hold tight.

She clutches him and they teleport out with another whoosh. They are now upstairs and out of immediate danger.

APEX There. That gets us out of harm’s way for the time being. CLEO Doctor? Is that you? Did you transition again?

APEX What? No. Man, I wish. My name’s Apex. Apex Costa. I’m from ICBA.

CLEO The IC…what?

APEX The Intergalactic Census Bureau Agency. CLEO Oh my god, you’re serious?

APEX Deadly serious. I’m looking for the Doctor…they’re in grave danger.

Slight fizzle transitions into solemn piano music.

ANNO Doctor Who Redacted, Episode Two. Apex. By Juno Dawson.


We hear some plinky plonky uplifting music – the sort you’d hear on TikTok all the time.

APEX Welcome to a day in the life of an Intergalactic Census Bureau Agent. I start the day with mindful meditation while I listen to space whale song.

APEX Hm, centering. Then, I fuel with a vegan cranial dew smoothie with chia seeds and anti-radiation flax. On days when I’m not fasting, that is, obviously.

We hear a blender whirring.

APEX Delicious. Then it’s quick hyperbike ride to the office in Origin City

His hyperbike whizzes through the galaxy. Next we hear a shower running.

APEX I shower at work before the daily team synergy meeting. That’s my coach, Cadence. We don’t call her a manager, because she doesn’t manage me, she coaches me to be the best agent I can be. Then it’s down to work. It isn’t easy keeping track of every sentient being in the cosmos. It takes focus, skill and dedication. Sometimes you have to follow a trail.

We hear a doorbell.

APEX Hi, is it Lord Gargamod? I’m Apex Costa from ICBA. Can I ask if you’ve seen this man? He might look like this, or this, or this, with a scarf, or could actually look like a woman, like this?



APEX Great, thanks for your time anyway. (To us) It isn’t an easy job, but you can’t thrive without strive. The best bit? My career takes me all over the universe, and beyond. I’ve been everywhere, some of it great, some of it…not so great. Like today, Sol 3, known locally as Planet Earth. You never know what you’re going to find, but it’s worth remembering that this job is all about WHO you’re going to find.


CLEO What? You’re with who? And did I just teleport? APEX You did.

CLEO Why do my legs feel wet?

APEX Side effect. It’ll pass in just a minute. Disconcerting at first, I understand.

We hear the rats snarl down below. They scurry up from the cellar. We hear little paws scratching on wood.

APEX They’re hungry. We’re not meant to intervene, but I need to stop them.


APEX First things first; my Space Manipulator has maybe one trip left in it before I need to charge it. (Beat) Question is: do you want to stay and help me fight these things or not? Last chance. I can get us out, but maybe not back.

CLEO Well…we can’t just leave them here! APEX We could. But it’s up to you. Stay or go?

CLEO I…I, I don’t know…(beat) You said you know the Doctor?

APEX They are a legend where I come from.

CLEO OK. Then I’ll stay. It’s what the Doctor would do.

The rats burst through some crack in the wall. They squeal hungrily.

APEX Look out!

CLEO Oh my god! Run!


FX: General traffic noise as they drive back towards Glasgow after their trip to Torchwood house. Abby tries to call Cleo.

CLEO VOICEMAIL Hi, this is Cleo, don’t leave me a message, it’s 2023.

SHAWNA Shall we stop at the services?

ABBY No, I’d rather keep going if you don’t mind? [beat] It just keeps going to voicemail.

SHAWNA Maybe she’s in a workshop at college.

ABBY Bless you for thinking I don’t know her timetable inside and out. She has Tuesday afternoons off. Anyway, she messaged the group chat – which you would know if you hadn’t muted it. Something about investigating those rats. She said she made contact with one of the victims.

SHAWNA What and you think she got mauled to death by mutant rats?

Come on, Abs, that’s high concept, even for us.

ABBY She’s fine, I’m fine, I cannot control the universe. I am not Cleo’s keeper. We move.

SHAWNA Excellent work there, MacPhail. ABBY I found something, by the way.

SHAWNA Inner peace?

ABBY No, you goon! The guy Morag mentioned. SHAWNA (SALTY) Oh aye?

ABBY Archie Bell. Hard to pin down, and clearly something’s wrong because I found one record of him living at Torchwood House as far back as 1897. If anyone knows anything about Torchwood, it’s him.

SHAWNA And that’d make him… ABBY A hundred and twenty-six. SHAWNA Morag did say he was old.

ABBY No kidding. He’s actually in hospital.

SHAWNA What? What happened?

ABBY According to the police report –

SHAWNA You’re welcome –

ABBY Yes, thank you, excellent hacking. According to the police report, there was some sort of an incident in a supermarket three days ago.

SHAWNA So what do we do?

ABBY I think we pay him a wee visit…


APEX and CLEO escape from the boathouse and slam the door behind them.

CLEO (Urgent) Is that gonna hold them?

We hear their little paws scratch on the door.

APEX Not for long…

CLEO Please tell me you have a plan?

APEX I do. Of course. You didn’t think I’d come here without any sort of means to contain them, do you?


CLEO I did. (beat) Well, what is it, then?

APEX I’ve got this!

He pulls out a Wave Distorter. Yep. We’ll learn just how he got it later…

CLEO The hell is that?

APEX Wave Distorter. Works like this.

He plays a short melody.

CLEO You have got to be kidding me. That’s a Magic Flute. What are you gonna do, Lizzo, play them a tune?

APEX Exactly that. You just have to know the right words to say.

And the right frequency to transmit them in. Every species has a unique hypnotic resonance.

The rats snarl as one tears through the rotten old doors. Cleo yelps.

CLEO Quick! They’re getting through!

APEX Here goes…

He presses some buttons on the flute and a strange, pre-programmed lullaby begins. The snarling abates.

CLEO No way – are they chilling out?

APEX There’s a subliminal suggestion in the waveform. Only they can hear it. It should make them compliant.

The tune continues throughout.

CLEO That’s insane. Look at them. God, they’re ugly. What are they?

APEX A brand-new sub-species. According to our census data, a few years back there was a similar case on Earth with spiders. This area was long used as a dumping ground and I suspect some chemicals of an extra-terrestrial origin may have infected the local rodent population.

CLEO So mutant, alien, rats?

APEX That will be my report, yes.

CLEO And that’s what you do? Catalogue alien life? APEX Something like that.

CLEO Come through, Attenborough. But I thought you were here for the Doctor?

APEX I am! And wherever they go, trouble always seems to follow. CLEO So what now?

APEX Can you open the door? Carefully?

CLEO And let them out? Are you sure you wanna do that?

APEX Trust me. I’ve got a plan. I just need to get them to the river.

They’ll follow me now they’re in a heightened state of suggestibility.

CLEO You’re gonna drown them?!

APEX No! See that old ship? The rusty one? It’s still floating isn’t it?

I’m thinking it’d be a perfectly serviceable rat trap.

CLEO Got you. OK, here goes.

Cleo opens the door and the rats shuffle out, sniffing the air.

APEX That’s right…nice rats…follow me…

With some growling, the rats follow Apex. Cleo takes a big step back.

CLEO Gross… …it’s working! It’s actually working!

A rat snarls at Cleo and she lets out a shrill cry.

Scene 2.6 – EXT. HOSPITAL. DAY

We hear some sirens as an ambulance arrives. A bus also hisses to a halt and Abby and Shawna disembark.

SHAWNA For the record, I want to state I do not think this is our best idea.

The women walk towards the entrance.

ABBY What? It’s fine. We’ll just pretend to be his relatives.

SHAWNA That’s not what I meant! The man’s in hospital, maybe we should just leave him be?

ABBY But he’s the only one who knows what Torchwood is.

SHAWNA So what was it? He was found in Lidl?

ABBY Totally catatonic. Couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. SHAWNA You really do find all sorts in that middle aisle.

ABBY Cute.

SHAWNA And what’s not cute is bursting into his hospital room and interrogating him. The guy is obviously sick.

ABBY Another virus? Only one way to find out. Come on.

We hear automatic doors slide open and she enters the hospital.


We hear Apex’s rat lullaby as the rats follow him through the junkyard and towards the Thames. They growl and drool as they follow.

CLEO I think that’s all of them! I can’t believe you did that. APEX How many did you count?

CLEO Maybe twenty? Twenty-five.

APEX Good. Let’s get them on that boat.

CLEO Apex was it?

APEX Uh-huh.

CLEO Apex, they look really hungry…there’s a lot of drool going on…

APEX It’s quite all right. So long as they can hear this music, they won’t attack. They’re under my spell. It’s said the Doctor once used this trick in a town in Germany.

CLEO Hamelin?

APEX How did you know?

CLEO Wild guess.

The sonic flute starts to stutter. A rat hisses. Cleo gasps and recoils.

CLEO Apex! What was that?

The tune resumes.

APEX I don’t know. It’s charged by Metabilic crystals, it can’t run out of power.

It stutters again – going on and off. The rats growl more loudly, lashing out at each other. Cleo gasps.

CLEO Apex!

APEX Maybe…let’s…retreat.

The tune dies altogether.

APEX Cleo, run! Run!

FX: Action action action as Cleo and Apex leg it through the junkyard. The rats turn on them, scurrying over rusty old cars. Metal clatters and falls, the heaps collapsing as the rats clamber over things.

CLEO (RUNNING) This way! Quick!

APEX (RUNNING) Down here!

Cleo screams as a rat leaps down at her..

APEX Get off her!

He yanks it off and the rat screeches.

APEX Run! Are you OK?

They run, panting for breath.

CLEO I’m fine, but we can’t outrun them. Fix the flute! APEX I don’t know if I can.

CLEO Give it here! Hurry!

APEX Do you know how to use it?

CLEO No! Obviously not! But…you know…turn it off and on again.

The flute powers down with a beep-boop. Apex grabs it back.

APEX I’ll restart it.

The rats come pelting at them.

CLEO Please, go slower!

APEX I’m doing it!

We hear the flute restart with a boop-beep. The rats are very close now.

CLEO Apex! Now!

The tune starts up once more. The frenzied rats chill out. Apex and Cleo get their breath back.

CLEO (Panting) Oh my days. My heart. I’m gonna die. APEX Onto the boat. Quickly.

Scene 2.8 – INT. HOSPITAL. DAY

The hustle and bustle of an NHS hospital. Abby and Shawna approach an ICU bed. Monitor bleeping etc.

SHAWNA (Whisper) Do you think they believed I was his granddaughter?

ABBY The nurse didn’t seem too suspicious. She said the poor guy didn’t have any other visitors. [beat] It’s this room here…

They enter this room. It’s quieter in here.

ABBY (Quietly) Mr Bell? Mr Bell, can you hear me? My name’s Abby.

A man groans.

SHAWNA I don’t think he knows what’s going on. He’s not looking too cracking.

ABBY Mr Bell? What happened to you? (PAUSE) Mr Bell, we know all about Torchwood. We can help.

More groans.

SHAWNA Abz, this is hopeless. He’s really sick. ABBY What did this to him?

SHAWNA There’s his bag. Shall I have a look?

ABBY No! Shawna! [beat] anyway, the police will have taken anything important.

FX – From inside Mr Bell we hear a hideous alien gurgle. Both women gasp in horror.

SHAWNA What the hell was that?

FX – Mr Bell convulses on the bed. Rattles again.

ABBY Shawna…There’s something inside him.

Scene 2.9. EXT. LONDON. DAY

Apex and Cleo walk and talk on a busy London street. Traffic and commuters.

APEX It’s fine, I promise. I’ve got some friends who can take care of them.

CLEO Take care of mutant rats? What? Like as pets?

APEX Something like that. Apparently they can rehome them in Bradford, whatever that is.

CLEO It’s where Gareth Gates comes from.

APEX OK, I will use context clues to derive that is a place and a person respectively.

CLEO Bingo. (Beat) You sure they can’t get off that boat? APEX Certain. They’re sealed inside.

FX – Traffic horns.

APEX Earth is not what I expected. I was warned that Sol 3 was basically a planet of savages.

CLEO Sol 3? You might wanna call it earth unless you wanna get looks. (Beat) And don’t let the suits and ties fool you, the human race is a mess. Savages might not be too far wrong.

APEX And is this how people on Sol…Earth live?

CLEO Nah, that’s just round here. This is where all the very worst people live: bankers. This isn’t real London. (Beat) Here we are! This is what we need: a good, honest-to-god greasy spoon.

APEX A what?

CLEO Come on, in. You owe me one hell of an explanation.

Scene 2.10 – INT. HOSPITAL. DAY

Abby and Shawna panic as the horrid gurgle inside Archie intensifies.

ABBY Shawna! I’ve pushed the bell.

SHAWNA Push it again.

Abby pushes a buzzer.

ABBY No-one’s coming.

Archie gives another gurgle

SHAWNA What do we do?

ABBY I don’t know!

Archie groans. He’s very sick.

SHAWNA What? Did he say something? ABBY I don’t think so.

He groans again, more loudly.

SHAWNA He’s trying to tell us something. (LEANING IN) Archie, we can’t hear you. Could you speak up a bit?

ABBY His bag – he’s pointing at his bag.

SHAWNA Archie – what is it?

FX – he groans again, but the groan becomes a choke

SHAWNA There’s something – in his throat. What – is that?

FX And it slithers out of his throat

ABBY Get back.


ABBY Shawna, get back for crying out loud.

Moist squelch as the alien slithers out of Archie.

ABBY Oh my

Alien baby shrieking.

SHAWNA Abby! Abby what is that?

Gnashing teeth as the alien stirs on the bed. Shawna cries out.

ABBY Get out! Shawna just run!

SHAWNA No. We can’t let it into the hospital! And we can’t leave Archie. ABBY Er. It’s looking at us. Why’s it looking at us?

Sinister hiss from the alien.

SHAWNA What do we do?

ABBY I don’t know. [beat] Wait!

Abby smashes a fire alarm. As the alarm sounds the alien squeals like it’s in pain. It dives for the window. Glass shatters and it leaps out.

SHAWNA It got out the window!

They run to the window. Street sounds below. Fire alarm recedes so they no longer need to pitch up.

SHAWNA Where did it go?

ABBY I can’t see it.

SHAWNA Abby, what just happened? That thing…it came out of him…it was…it was alien. Like Alien alien.

ABBY I know, I know.

SHAWNA You were right. Cleo was right. ALIENS.

ABBY It’s out there and it’s on the loose. We’ve got to stop it. SHAWNA How?! How do we stop something like that?

ABBY I don’t know!

FX – feet running towards them down the corridor

SHAWNA We’ve gotta get out of here.

ABBY Shawna, we can’t!

SHAWNA Do you wanna explain THIS to the police?

ABBY We need to work out how to stop that thing before it eats Glasgow.

FX: And they duck back into the room. Alarm loud.

SHAWNA Archie. Help’s coming. You’re going to be okay. Sorry.

FX: She grabs bag.

SHAWNA I’ve got his bag. ABBY What? Shawna! SHAWNA Let’s go!

Scene 2.11 - INT. COFFEE SHOP. EVE

We hear a milk steamer and light background music.

CLEO They’re open til 7, we’ve got time. Here; tea. Try it. It’ll change your life. Leaves, water and milk. Fit.

Apex takes a sip.

APEX It’s, um…different.

CLEO You’re in England now, get used to it. (Pause) Right; no more messing around. In the words of Cilla Black, what’s your name and where do you come from?

APEX Like I said. My name is Apex, and I’m from a planet called The Origin. (Beat) Are you okay with that?

CLEO Not my first rodeo.

APEX I know. I’ve listened to every episode of your podcast. CLEO (TOUCHED) Really?

APEX Yes! Very informative – you’re really funny.

CLEO Shucks, well thanks. I try. (Is Cleo flirting?) Am I your fave?

APEX No, I’m Team Abby. [Beat] Of course you are! And I’d say you guys are about 15% accurate.

CLEO Wow, OK, how did you find me – not that I’m not grateful for the intervention back there obviously.

APEX You’ve been uploading messages for the Doctor. I had alerts out across universal channels and was able to track your location.

CLEO Um. Stalker much?

APEX It’s my job. Every hundred years ICBA log every sentient organism in the universe. There are thousands of agents, working full-time. Finding the Doctor is especially vital because they’re a Time Lord. A highly endangered species. If they are dead, the species is technically extinct.

CLEO (Panicked)

What? You think the Doctor’s dead? Really?

APEX That’s what I need to find out. Urgently. There’s an issue with their time-line.

CLEO But the Doctor can travel in time. They could be anywhere, in any era. Wait, can you time travel?

APEX No. Absolutely not. My birth planet is called the Origin because it was the first planet formed at the dawn of creation. Time started on Origin and must strictly follow in one direction only. One minute must follow the next. Without us, time is meaningless, even for Time Lords. We take it very, very seriously. My father and my father’s father and all the fathers before that were agents. We are now in the year 17,112,432,201.

CLEO It’s 2023.

APEX Ha! (Pause) Oh you’re serious, sorry. It really isn’t. CLEO Then why do you look like us?

APEX I don’t wanna be that guy, but I expect you look like us. CLEO What?

APEX It’s highly likely some Originals settled here eons ago, and the rest is history.

CLEO You literally just rewrote history in three sentences, but go off.

So if you don’t have a TARDIS, how did you get here?

APEX I have this.

He shows her.

APEX Space Vortex Manipulator – connected to my ship, idling in orbit.

CLEO Oh. I thought it was a hipster watch.

APEX What’s a hipster?

CLEO You, my friend, look exactly like a hipster. Nose ring, beanie hat, Vans. Where did you get the look?

APEX It’s my job to blend in. I did my research. CLEO Did you google Dalston by any chance?


FX: City street atmos, Abby and Shawna explore what looks like a derelict building.

SHAWNA Babe, this can’t be right.

ABBY Archie kept looking at his bag. Set of keys. Labelled “Salt Studios.”

FX: Jangle of keys.

ABBY Only one Salt Studios in Glasgow.

FX: She bangs shutters.

SHAWNA It’s a recording studio. Why would a 120 year old have keys to a recording studio?

ABBY They’re not going to have a great big sign saying ‘Top Secret Alien Hunters’ out front are they? Or he’s a musician on the side, I guess?

SHAWNA God, that poor guy Abby. ABBY I know.

SHAWNA How long do you think that thing had been inside him? Will he be okay?

ABBY I – don’t know. (SIGHS) I am gonna need so much therapy.

What are we doing? Seriously?

SHAWNA Isn’t this what we do? ABBY Track down alien worms?

SHAWNA Looks that way. Who else is gonna do it? ABBY Sometimes I miss just being a random carer.

SHAWNA It’s fine. We’re fine. I think we’re safe. I don’t think anyone’s been here in years. The shutters are all rusty. Keys!?

ABBY Aye. One of them’ll fit hopefully.

FX – Jangling keys. Abby inserts the keys into the lock.

ABBY (GRUNTING) Bit of help.


FX: The shutter slowly creaks up.

SHAWNA (PHEW) Yep. Not been opened in ages.

ABBY Do we just go in?

SHAWNA Best lead we’ve got.

They both take a deep breath.

ABBY OK, here goes…

Scene 2.13 – INT. GREASY SPOON

APEX So you do know of the Doctor?

CLEO It’s a long story.

APEX I have time.

CLEO OK. (Pause) This sounds a bit like an Instagram meme but I really think we’re destiny, you know? I first met him when I was a kid. It was the day my dad died, but he saved my life.

She sips her tea.

CLEO Then, last year, the Doctor accidentally unleashed a psychic virus across all of time and space. Very drama. Very camp. We all thought we were being teleported to a parallel dimension, but it was literally all in our heads. She came back to fix it. Although I stress it was like 90% me. She helped though.

APEX You saw them in two different bodies?

CLEO Yeah. Do you know what that’s about?

APEX It’s a Time Lord thing. Total cellular regeneration. CLEO Uh, jealous.

APEX When did you last make contact with the Doctor, please?

CLEO This time last year. Off she went in her TARDIS and that was the last I heard from her. Ghosted. Brutal.

APEX (Very interested) You saw the TARDIS?

CLEO Yeah, we got a tour and everything. Smelled like my primary school; chalk and rock buns. Bit weird to be honest.

APEX And it was in working order?

CLEO Yeah – she came and left in it.

APEX Interesting. Great. That’s really helpful.

CLEO Why is that helpful?

APEX Well, I suppose it’s the last of its sort really. And, of course, that means we now have an eyewitness account that the Doctor is still active up until 12 months ago.

CLEO I really thought she might rock up to investigate the rats but…(pause) So what now? I think this place is about to shut for the night.

APEX Oh I have some other contacts to speak to in London. The Doctor’s here a lot so it seems.

Distantly we now hear a bleeping noise. A drone hovers outside the window.

CLEO You know you said you came in a spaceship? APEX Yeah?

CLEO Is that a part of it?

APEX Is what a part of it?

CLEO The metal thing hovering outside the window?

The bleeping gets louder…

Scene 2.14 – INT. TORCHWOOD. EVE

Abby and Shawna investigate. They pick their way carefully through a mountain of junk.

ABBY This place is a dump. Is this Torchwood? SHAWNA Well, there’s a massive T on the wall. So….

FX: they kick through the trash.

SHAWNA Look at all this stuff: ‘Dormant Auton Hand’. What? Abby!

Werewolf tooth! As if.

ABBY What happened here? It’s been ransacked. SHAWNA That creature?

ABBY I don’t see any blood, or a body.

SHAWNA Well amen to that.

FX: they sort through the trash

SHAWNA Burglars?

ABBY Maybe – but the computers are still here so they’re really bad at their job if they are.

SHAWNA Wait! That’s what Morag said back at Torchwood House – nothing was taken from there. So what are they looking for?

ABBY That filing cabinet has been wrenched open. (Beat) I guess we’re not the only ones to figure out what this place really is. Whoever this guy is knew what they were looking for. It’s not random.

SHAWNA How did they even get in here? Those shutters haven’t moved since Coldplay were a thing.

FX: She pushes open a filing cabinet.

SHAWNA This is a needle in a haystack job. Like, what am I even looking for?

ABBY What else? Blue Box Files.

SHAWNA Got it.

The pair rummage around through folders and papers all over the floor.

SHAWNA Abby, look.

ABBY What?

SHAWNA Like ten folders labelled ‘Misc Doctor Activity’. And they’re all empty.

ABBY Cleo’s mysterious Doctor. Like Doctor what?

SHAWNA Looks like she’s right, though. There really is a person called the Doctor.

ABBY Is there anything left?

SHAWNA Just the folders. Someone’s taken everything.

ABBY I guess we’re not the only ones looking for this Doctor. SHAWNA And there’s still an alien on the loose. This is a dead end. ABBY Is there anything else in Archie’s bag?

SHAWNA Nothing weird.

FX – Shawna rustles through his bag.

SHAWNA What’s the Lennot Library?

ABBY That old building in town. Why? SHAWNA Archie Bell has a library card.

ABBY So? What would a terrifying alien worm want with a library? SHAWNA His library card has that Torchwood logo on it.


SHAWNA If this place isn’t really a recording studio… ABBY Maybe that place isn’t a library…


Apex and Cleo investigate the strange drone – whining noise as it approaches

CLEO A-Apex? W-What is it?

APEX I don’t know. (Beat) It’s nothing to do with me. CLEO Is it a drone?

APEX I guess…

The drone now speaks.

DRONE Scanning lifeforms.

We hear a sci-fi scanning noise.

CLEO Oh my god! Is that safe? Rude!

APEX Cleo, maybe we ought to make a swift exit…

DRONE Identified: Apex Costa. You are summoned by the Right Honourable Lady Honour Bray.

CLEO Who? What does it mean?

APEX I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Let’s go. I need to contact the ICBA urgently.

They start to leave.

DRONE Freeze. Do not attempt to evade contact. Measures will be taken.

CLEO I don’t like the sound of that…

APEX Is there a back way out?

CLEO Through the kitchen maybe. DRONE Halt! Implementing intercept mode.

The drone fires a laser blast at the café window and it explodes inwards, scattering glass across the café. Cleo screams.


DRONE Halt! You will be incapacitated.

Apex and Cleo race into the kitchen.

APEX Fire escape! Quick!

He tugs on the door but it’s sealed shut.

APEX (Struggle) What the?

DRONE Exits have been magnetically sealed to prevent avoidant tactics. Please submit to questioning or face the consequences.

APEX This way – out the front.

The drone fires another laser bolt. Cleo yelps. Apex is hit – he cries out in pain.


CLEO Apex! Apex are you OK? Oh my god… DRONE Submit or face the consequences.

CLEO Apex get up!

It fires again. Cleo screams.

DRONE Submit, submit, submit…

The music builds into a threatening synth and ends abruptly with a distortion. Before building into a gleefully Whovian, alien symphony of synths and electric keyboard that cuts off into piano that continues under the rest of the credits.

END CREDITS Doctor Who: Redacted. Episode Two. Apex by Juno Dawson. Starring Charlie Craggs as Cleo Proctor, Lois Chimimba Abby Mcphail, Holly Quin-Ankrah Shawna Thompson, Freddy Carter Apex Costa and Wilf Scolding as Drone. Directed by Bethany Weimers, Producer James Goss, Sound design by Rob Harvey, Original Composition by David Devereux. A tv Studios Production for tv Sounds.
