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Cumhachd na Mònach - The Power of Peat

Anne McAlpine learns how peatlands are an amazing carbon store. Tha Anne NicAlpein ag ionnsachadh mar a tha mòintichean nan stòran mòra de chàrboin.

Tha Anne NicAlpein a’ tadhal air a’ bhrat-bhoglaich as motha san Roinn Eòrpa. Ann an Cataibh, tha i a’ faighinn a-mach mu dhòigh innleachdach a thathar a’ meas slàinte na boglaich mòire seo, agus sgioba de luchd-saidheans a’ tomhas an analachadh boglaich le saideal. Às dèidh nan cuantan, ‘s ann aig mòintichean fallain a tha na stòrasan as motha de chàrboin san t-saoghal. Ach ma tha mòine air a milleadh, tha an càrbon na broinn ag aoidion agus a’ sparradh blàthachadh na cruinne. Tha Anne ag ionnsachadh mu chuid a bhuaidhean a th’ ann nuair a tha boglaichean air an tiormachadh – bho spreadhadh bhoglaichean agus traghadh gu teintean agus ceò. Tha Anne a’ faicinn mar a thathar a’ feuchainn ri stad a chur air traghadh ann am baile-mòr sna Tìrean Ìsle a chaidh a thogail air ùir bog mònach. Agus mu dheireadh, aig dachaigh Anne sna h-Eileanan an Iar, tha raointean farsaing na mòintich a’ brosnachadh luchd-ealain na sgìre leithid Màiri NicGillIosa agus an còmhlan Peat & Diesel.

Anne McAlpine visits Europe’s biggest blanket bog. In Sutherland, she learns about the ingenious way a team of scientists assess the health of the vast bog, measuring its up and down ‘bog breathing’ by satellite. Next to the oceans, healthy peatlands are the greatest carbon stores on the planet. But if peat is degraded, the carbon it holds leaks out, actually fuelling global warming. Anne learns of some of the consequences when bogs dry out – from bog bursts and subsidence to simmering fires and haze. Anne also sees the efforts to limit subsidence in a Dutch city built on soft, peaty soils. And finally, back on Anne’s home turf in the Outer Hebrides, she finds out how the vast peat moors inspire artist Màiri Gillies and local band Peat & Diesel.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

58 minutes

Last on

Tue 11 Jun 2024 21:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Anne MacAlpine
Director Catriona Lexy Campbell
Executive Producer Seumas Mactaggart
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Producer Joanna Young
