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'If you’ve got remorse, it’s going to haunt you'

Stephen Nolan meets a prisoner grappling with his conscience, having killed an intruder in his home. He returns to challenge another inmate about the motives for his crime.

As Stephen Nolan spends his last days in Maghaberry, he meets a recent arrival who stabbed to death a man who forced his way into his home. David reveals his fear at entering this high-security prison and talks of his struggle to come to terms with the killing he has been convicted of. He says remorse can haunt you in a place like Maghaberry, yet others refuse to recognise the impact of their crimes.

Jason defrauded some of his victims out of their life savings, but he’s not keen to talk about that. Stephen confronts him and tries to get him to face up to what he’s done. Truth can be hard to find in jail, but before he leaves, Stephen is determined to go back and see a prisoner he met in his first days in Maghaberry. Andrius blamed alcohol and bad judgement for his part in a murder. But was there another, more sinister motive for the crime? Facing his past proves difficult.

As Stephen looks back at the days he spent inside the jail, he considers the challenges facing a prison service under severe pressure, the men who inhabit Maghaberry and wider society which will have to deal with these men once they are released.

1 month left to watch

28 minutes

Last on

Mon 6 Nov 2023 22:00


Role Contributor
Series Producer Austen Irwin
Director Austen Irwin
Executive Producer Mary McKeagney
Executive Producer Chris Buckler


  • Mon 9 Oct 2023 22:45
  • Tue 10 Oct 2023 22:00
  • Mon 6 Nov 2023 22:00