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We Are Not Alone

Episode 10 of 10

Sam embarks on an exercise in nostalgia and readjustment, preparing herself for a new period of her life, with her mother and a daughter remaining in England.

Available now

43 minutes

Last on

Fri 2 Sep 2022 23:55

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Music Played

Timings (where shown) are from the start of the programme in hours and minutes

  • 00:37

    Monty Python

    Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life


Role Contributor
Sam Fox Pamela Adlon
Max Mikey Madison
Frankie Hannah Riley
Duke Olivia Edward
Phil Celia Imrie
Sherry Shiobann Amisial
Tressa Rebecca Metz
Caroline Rosalind Chao
Director Pamela Adlon
Writer Pamela Adlon
