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Stately Kitchens

Kirsty Wark investigates how stately homes go about opening up their kitchens and servants' quarters to visitors, as she goes behind the scenes at Erdigg, Ham House and Chatsworth. (2002)

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9 minutes

Last on

Wed 19 Jun 2002 12:20

±«Óãtv Four's Country Estates Collection

±«Óãtv Four's Country Estates Collection
Watch archive programmes about some of the UK's most intriguing country houses and estates.

About ±«Óãtv Four Collection programmes

Programmes are selected, in part, for their historical context and reflect the broadcast standards and attitudes of their time, which may not accord to some current ±«Óãtv editorial guidelines. We aim to select programmes which can be shown in their entirety but in some cases edits are required.


Role Contributor
Presenter Kirsty Wark
Series Producer Basil Comely


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