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Episode 5

We see the final preparations for the arrival of the first cruise ship at the Deep Water Terminal.

Based in the main port in the Hebrides, we follow the beating hearts of Stornoway Harbour. In her shelter, there is a bustling community to be found. In this episode, we see the final preparations for the arrival of the first cruise ship at the Deep Water Terminal, and the town centre gets a facelift with some new additions.

Stèidhte ann am prìomh port nan Eilean Siar, the sinne a’ leantainn cridhe Port Steòrnabhaigh. Na fasgadh, tha coimhearsnachd trang ri lorg. Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha an obair steidheachaidh mu dheireadh a’ tachairt leis a’ chiad chrùs aig a’ Chala Dhomhain air fàire, agus leasachadh air meadhan baile Steòrnabhaigh. Thig còmhla rinn ‘s sinn a’ leanntainn beatha ann am Port Steòrnabhaigh.

12 days left to watch

27 minutes
