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Mo Bheannachd Oirbh!/Well Done, Artists!

Episode 4 of 8

Célestine registers Ernest to a music contest without telling him.

Tha Ealasaid a’ cur ainm Oscair a-steach airson farpais chiĂčil gun innse dha. Ach gun fhiosta do dh’Ealasaid, tha Oscar air tĂš dhe na dealbhan aicese a chuir a-steach airson farpais san taigh-thasgaidh. Gu mĂŹ-fhortanach, tha riaghailtean mionaideach nam farpaisean seo a’ dol nan aghaidh, an toiseach co-dhiĂč

Célestine registers Ernest to a music contest without telling him. In the meantime, Ernest sends one of CĂ©lestine’s drawings to the museum, without telling her. No luck, certain rules in the music contest and the drawing exposition mean they don’t succeed, not at first anyway...

12 minutes
