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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 8

It’s late September and Peter is busy planting and picking whelks for dinner. Deireadh an t-Sultain ‘s tha Pàdruig trang le cùr agus le togail fhaochagan airson dìnneir.

Peter MacQueen and his loveable sidekick, Seòras, are back for a series at his family’s special hideaway in Argyll. Always ready to turn his hand to a project, he will be gardening, attempting some DIY, heading out in the boat, eating delicious food, and making long-lasting memories with family and friends.

It is late September and summer has come to an end. Peter and Seòras head to the hut for the last weekend of sunshine. Peter plants wildflowers in the garden and visits Scotia Seeds in Brechin to harvest seed. Back at the hut, he does a bit of DIY and gives a fresh coat of paint to an old washing pole. At low tide, Peter then picks fresh whelks to cook with his dad and uncle who come over for dinner.

Tha Pàdruig MacCuidhein ‘s a ghocan gaolach, Seòras, air ais airson sreath ùr aig a’ bhothaig teaghlaich sònraichte dìomhair aca ann an Earra-Ghàidheal. Daonnan deiseil is deònach airson pròiseact, bi e sa ghàrradh, ri DIY, a-muigh sa bhàta, ag ithe biadh blasta agus a’ cruthachadh chuimhneachain buan, prìseil le càirdean is caraidean.

Sa phrògram seo aig deireadh an t-Sultain agus an t-sàmhraidh tha Pàdruig ‘s Seòras a’ falbh chun bhothaig airson an deireadh sheachdain mu dheireadh den ghrèin.Tha Pàdruig a’cur fiadh-fhlùran agus a’tadhal air Sìol Scotia ann am Breichin gus sìol a bhuain.

Air ais sa bhothaig tha e a’ sàs ann a DIY ‘s a’ peantadh pòla anairt. Aig muir-tràigh tha Pàdruig a’ togail fhaochagan a bhricheas e son dìnneir athair ‘s bràthair athair.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Peter Macqueen
Director Robyn Low
Producer Faye MacLean
Editor Mairead Morrison
