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A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with Fr John Burniston

A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with Fr John Burniston

Good morning.

Listening to a simply brilliant recorder consort rehearsing together a few weeks ago reminded me of the time when some primary school children were being introduced to music-making for the first time. There was a buzz of real excitement as they were handed their recorders and for the next few minutes the classroom was filled with piercing shrieks and weird whistling sounds as each child tried to get the measure of the plastic tube in their hands.

Then, with a firm but encouraging voice the young teacher asked for silence and she began to show the group how to blow, and how to place their fingers on the holes to get different notes.

After a quarter of an hour there were still shrieks and random whistling sounds but you could see a new contentment on the children’s faces as they discovered their new found ability to make musical sounds.

Every day we come face to face with challenges which we describe to ourselves as being ‘outside our comfort zone’. For some it’s coping with new technology – navigating a smart TV or a phone app – or changing routines, at work or at home.

Often we are forced to try to work things out on our own. But there are times when we prefer to go it alone because our pride refuses to allow us to ask for help. ‘Surely it can’t be that difficult’ we say to ourselves.

And what a relief it is when someone comes alongside and, without making us feel stupid, takes us through the stages, enabling us to find our way through.

Lord, thank you for those who gently teach us and help us to cope - as you do.


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Monday 05:43


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