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French centrists and Left strike deals to squeeze out National Rally

Macron's centrists trying to reduce National Rally's seat haul in second round of voting

Centrist and left-wing politicians in France are scrambling to strike deals that will reduce the chances of the far-right National Rally winning a majority in the second round of voting of legislative elections on Sunday. Marine Le Pen's party emerged as the largest after the first round of voting. But agreements between parties opposed to her would see candidates step aside in some constituencies to increase the chances of another candidate beating the National Rally. We explain how it works and what the election could mean for the future of Europe.

In the US, the Supreme Court has ruled that Donald Trump does enjoy immunity for some of the actions he took as president. Trump hailed it as a victory, but in her dissent one justice said the ruling made the President "a king above the law".

And 32 years since passengers and crew of a British Airways flight were used as human shields by Saddam Hussein, we speak to one of those who is taking legal action against the airline and the British government for allegedly putting them in danger.

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45 minutes


  • Monday 22:00
