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General Election (Taylor's Version)

Greg James digs into the ±«Óãtv archives. This week: Taylor Swift, Blue Peter barbecues and the invention of the swingometer.

Greg James digs into the ±«Óãtv Archive to track down audio gems, using listener requests, overlooked anniversaries and current stories to guide the way.

This week, as Taylor Swift continues to conquer the world, Greg finds Taylor’s first radio play on the ±«Óãtv in 2007 and her first visit to the UK in 2009. He also hears her extraordinary impression of a Minnesota Soccer Mom.

With the General Election approaching, he looks back at the first days of election broadcasting on the TV. There are discussions about ‘electronic brains’, sneaky Mars Bars and the invention of the Swingometer.

And as it’s summer, Greg fancies a barbecue. He finds a Blue Peter make from 1966 in which presenter Christopher Trace teaches us how to make our own barbecue from something we’ve all got lying around…a 5 gallon oil drum. Hacksaw at the ready!

Producer: Tim Bano
An EcoAudio certified production

Available now

28 minutes

Last on

Monday 16:30


  • Last Saturday 10:30
  • Monday 16:30

±«Óãtv producers branded Elton John 'dreary' in 1968

±«Óãtv producers branded Elton John 'dreary' in 1968

Amazing archive reveals how the ±«Óãtv misjudged the singer.