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Ramsay visits Toulouse for an action-packed holiday in the sunshine. Tha Ramsay a’tadhal air Toulouse airson làithean-saora luma làn spòrs sa ghrèin.

Ramsay MacMahon is off on his travels as he visits Europe’s fascinating cities to see the sights, meet the locals and learn about their cultures. As well as exploring some of the cities’ main attractions, he also discovers their quirkier side to bring you his own unique guide.

In this programme, Ramsay visits the French city of Toulouse for a holiday full of adventure, rich cuisine, and amazing history. He learns about the city’s connection to aviation before heading to the skies himself for an adrenaline-fuelled trip in a microlight. He spends the night in a 15th-century tower, built with Toulouse’s iconic pink brick.

The next day he travels south to the Pyrenees for a tough challenge on the bike. Despite the summer heat, Ramsay attempts a famous section of the Tour de France and of course rewards himself with a thermal spa treatment.

Tha Ramsay MacMahon ma sgaoil is e a’dèanamh air an Roinn Eòrpa airson cuid dhe bhailtean-mòra iongantach fhaicinn ‘s coinneachadh ri muinntir an àite son fiosrachadh mun chultar aca.

Cuide ri na prìomh sheallaidhean, chì sinn na h-annasan a th’aca ri thabhann bho ar treòraiche-chuairtean a tha a’ cuir a dhreach fhèin air cùisean.
Sa phrògram seo tha e tadhal air a’bhaile-mòr Frangach Toulouse airson làithean-saora làn spòrs, biadh blasta ‘s eachdraidh iongantach.

Tha e a’ faighinn a-mach mu a ceangal le itealanachd mas faigh e fhèin cothrom a dhol suas am broinn itealan beag. Oidhche cadail ann an tùr a thogar sa chòigeamh linn deug le na breigichean pinc le’n cliù stèidhte ann an Toulouse.

Shìos sa cheann a deas anns na Beanntan Pìrineach, a dh’aindeoin teas an t-samhraidh, feuchaidh Ramsay an làrna mhàireach air pàirt iomraiteach den Tour de France agus abair airidh an uairsin air beagan càraidh-bodhaig ann an spa.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
