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Love of Nation

In this week of St David’s Day, Rev Roy Jenkins leads a service reflecting on love of nation, live from Cardiff Bay, with music from the ±«Óătv National Chorus of Wales.

In this week of St David’s Day, Rev Roy Jenkins leads a service reflecting on love of nation, live from the Wales Millennium Centre in the heart of Cardiff Bay. With music from the ±«Óătv National Chorus of Wales, including hymns by Welsh composers and texts by Welsh hymn-writers.

Luke 13.31-35, and 19.41-44

Let all the world in every corner sing : Luckington
We turn to you, o God of every Nation : Rhys
Dros Gymru’n gwlad (For Wales our land) : Finlandia
God is love, let heaven adore Him : Blaenwern
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer : Cwm Rhondda

±«Óătv National Chorus of Wales
Director: Adrian Partington
Piano: Derek Harris

38 minutes

Last on

Sun 25 Feb 2024 08:10


Radio 4 CONTINUITY: Time now for Sunday Worship which comes today from Cardiff.

Good morning and welcome. I’m the Rev Roy Jenkins and on this week which includes St. David’s Day we’re in the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay with the ±«Óătv National Chorus of Wales.  All kinds of events in this daffodil-bedecked season, from classical  concerts to skittles evenings, can get the patron’s name attached – though what the teetotal vegan sixth century monk would have made of it all, we’re left to guess.   No matter.  It’s a celebration of being Welsh, and as ever it raises a question: what might it mean to love your country – any country? 

Words, music or both for all today’s hymns come from composers who are either Welsh or who’ve lived here.   But wherever in the world you call home, we hope you’ll feel part of our worship today - our first hymn from the poet-priest George Herbert calls on the whole earth, and the heavens beyond, to share the praise of God:  ‘Let all the world in every corner sing My God and King.’ 

ITEM 2: CHOIR   Let all the world in every corner sing

Eternal God, Father of all humankind, you have created men and women of every race and nationality, every culture and colour, to bear your likeness.   Especially this week we give you thanks for your servant David, for his life of faith, for his zeal in spreading your word, for his model of perseverance.  May we, too, live day by day committed to your way of love, drawn on by a hope in Christ which even death cannot touch.     
And in the words Jesus taught us, we say together:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen

There are many different ways of expressing love for a country and its people, and we begin by glimpsing just a few.   This morning we’re on the waterfront at Cardiff Bay right opposite the Senedd or Parliament building.  What was once the biggest coal-exporting port in the world has been largely redeveloped, but still here – literally the other side of the tracks - is Butetown the most diverse and among the most deprived communities in the city: we’re joined by the pastor of one of its smaller churches.  We’ll hear from a long-serving member of today’s choir.  And we start literally next door in this Millennium Centre complex.

ITEM 6: PACKAGEÌęÌę[Ceren Roberts, Urdd / Vanessa John-Hall, ±«Óătv NCW/ Lester Freckleton, Pastor, Living Hope]

ITEM 7: CHOIR   We turn to you, O God of every nation


From the gospel of Luke, we read two sections of his account of Jesus making his way to Jerusalem.  They reflect something of his mind as he prepares for the ordeal he is about to endure out of love for the world. We read from chapters 13 and 19, and conclude with an acclamation of praise, Diolch iti yr hollalluog Dduw am yr efengyl sanctaidd - Thanks be to you Almighty God for the holy gospel. 
READER 2 (RHIAN) Luke 13.31-35 GNB31
At that same time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “You must get out of here and go somewhere else, because Herod wants to kill you.” 32 Jesus answered them, “Go and tell that fox: ‘I am driving out demons and performing cures today and tomorrow, and on the third day I shall finish my work.’ 33 Yet I must be on my way today, tomorrow, and the next day; it is not right for a prophet to be killed anywhere except in Jerusalem. 34 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets, you stone the messengers God has sent you! How many times have I wanted to put my arms round all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me! 35 And so your Temple will be abandoned. I assure you that you will not see me until the time comes when you say, ‘God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ”

READER 1 (ROLAND)  Luke 19.41-44  GNB41
He came closer to the city, and when he saw it, he wept over it, 42saying, “If you only knew today what is needed for peace! But now you cannot see it! 43 The time will come when your enemies will surround you with barricades, blockade you, and close in on you from every side. 44 They will completely destroy you and the people within your walls; not a single stone will they leave in its place, because you did not recognise the time when God came to save you!”ÌęÌę

ITEM 9: CHOIR  Diolch i ti yr hollalluog Dduw

There is a love for one’s own people which is entirely natural, healthy.  It’s an extension of love for the closest members of our families, expressing gratitude for gifts received, tradition inherited, individuals and communities who have shaped us.  It can result in a shared commitment to the place and its people: we want them to flourish, to be cared for, protected.ÌęÌę

We might seem to have little in common.  Yet like it or not, geography and roots force us together.  And across the nations of these islands, too, we have obligations – as we do indeed to the worldwide family of human beings made like us in the image of God, for whom that same God has loving purposes.

For Jesus, it was intense passion for this vision that kept him on that journey to Calvary.   His offering of himself was for his own people, for sure – ‘How many times I have wanted to put my arms around all your people, just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not let me’.  But it was also for the fulfilment of ancient promises that one day the whole of humanity would realise that they were included within the same divine love.  He was to die for all, without exception. 

Love of nation can inspire great acts of courage.  Two years on from the start of the war, fresh memorials across Ukraine bear witness to sacrifices still being made every day; in Gaza, many families have nowhere to even to mark the deaths of their loved ones - unlike almost every village, town and city in the United Kingdom with their solid reminders of two world wars and other conflicts.  Here we know that while many volunteered with enthusiasm, others did so weighed down by foreboding and uncertainty, yet convinced that somehow duty demanded it.   And much smaller numbers, clinging to religious and political beliefs, chose the disgrace of the conscientious objector and confronted different agonies for the country they also loved.

Political nationalism might or might not be where our patriotism takes us: it’s one legitimate option among many.   But loudly trumpeted love for one’s own country can easily be exploited, distorted into hostility to those who are different.   And aggressive nationalisms, bent on re-writing history, can provoke brutal atrocities. 

Jesus blazed at the way the very people who saw themselves as guardians of the nation and its traditions corrupted those traditions for their own benefit – going through the motions of religion but missing its heart in faith and love and integrity.    ÌęÌę

In one story, he presents, as his model of how to care for a stranger in need, an anonymous traveller, from a group distrusted, looked down on and usually avoided – a Samaritan.  He accepts an invitation to the table of a cheat who collaborates with the despised Roman occupiers.   He risks scandal by dealing mercifully with a woman of dubious reputation.    ÌęÌę

The uncritical, excluding, patriotism which demonises the different, is always alien to his way, and never more so than when it claims to be ‘defending Christian civilisation – or indeed any civilisation rooted in religious or humanitarian principle.Not ‘my country right or wrong,’ for sure: nearer the prayer written by a Baptist minister whose activities for his understanding of love for country put him in Wormwood Scrubs for nine months in the 1930s.  It asks that Wales may be formed in the image of God, bearing fruit for Christ’ – a goal as worthy for any other nation: ‘for Wales our land’/country. Dros Gymru’n Gwlad.’

ITEM 11: CHOIR   Dros Gymru’n Gwlad


Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the pastor and theologian hanged for his part in a plot against Hitler, would have understood that hymn writer.   To the dismay of many friends, when war was imminent, he insisted on returning home from the United States.   He could not, he said, remain out of the country when his fellow-Christians faced such momentous choices.  The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is being mourned at the moment because he made a similar choice when friends failed to dissuade him from getting back to Russia to promote his vision for the country.

Jesus made his final journey to Jerusalem knowing that he faced an ordeal which would lead to his suffering and death.  The city itself was also in peril, and the nation it represented.   For generations, it had rejected the prophets sent to draw it back to God, and now it was about to do the same with him.   Its leaders had failed to recognise that God wanted to rescue them from inevitable disaster.   Little wonder that Luke reports that as he looked over the city, Jesus wept.  He didn’t condemn its people, he lamented for them: “you would not let me.”.

There is so much any of us might feel the need to lament over: personal issues to do with health, family, work, poverty, failures, sheer exhaustion.  It might be fears of what could be ahead for the country we love, and the threats to services which we see as part of its very identity.   It might be the crushing sadness of every day’s news from Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, Yemen, or wherever.  ÌęÌę

Lament is no soft-centred self-indulgent cop-out.  If Jesus wept, there should be no shame, no embarrassment in our tears of helplessness. ‘There are many things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried’ - words attributed to El Salvador’s saint and martyred Archbishop Oscar Romero, who paid the ultimate price for denouncing the powerful making life a misery for the poorest. 

Eyes that have cried can sometimes see with an insight denied to the dispassionate.  They can help us affirm that what’s happening is just wrong, that the wrecking of lives through war, violence, greed is never part of what God intends, that there can be hope for something so much better.   They can fire our resistance, feed our protest.  They can help us enter the suffering, seek to be God’s agents for practical change.ÌęÌę

They can be an important part of what it means to love our country, and are never meant to leave us as we are.   

We don’t need to pretend that we understand every human tragedy. But all our lament at what seems, so unjust, can feed into our praying for what God wants to be accomplished - and doing whatever is close at hand, however apparently trivial, to make some kind of difference.   The Jesus who shed tears weeps with us still – and promises: ‘Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.

As he’s already reached out to us with mercy and grace, he invites us to reach out to him, to trust him, share our lives with him – the joys and celebrations certainly, and also the bleakest hours of despair. ’When human hearts are aching under sorrow’s iron rod, all the sorrow all the aching, wrings with pain the heart of God’ - words from our next hymn, God is love let heaven adore him.ÌęÌę

ITEM 13: CHOIR God is love, let heaven adore him 

ITEM 14: Intercessions

Lord Jesus Christ, you have given yourself to make peace, to restore us to friendship with God and to live as one with others.  We pray for all who strive for justice and peace: for leaders wrestling with decisions which mean life or death for thousands, and for all who deliver practical care to desperate and frightened people.   And help us to be peacemakers where we are.   

Lord of new beginnings, we remember all who feel strangers among us – those who have fled here for sanctuary, and the trafficked treated as mere commodities.   We hold before you those who might never have moved from our shores, but still feel left outside, crippled by poverty or ill-health, poorly housed, trapped in abusive relationships; or falsely accused and wrongly imprisoned.  May the day of their liberation come soon. 

 Lord of hope, we pray for all who grieve over the world’s wrongs, and their own failings, all who mourn after recent bereavement, or whose pain of loss remains raw after many years.   Grant them good friends, and revived hope in the assurance that you weep with them, and hold them securely.

Lord of the nations, we ask your blessing on all who pursue a vision of their country as you intend it to be: those engaged in medicine and health care, in education and community building, in politics or in speaking truth to power.   May they know much joy in their service, and when they grow tired in their serving, refresh them with your love.   In Jesus’ name we pray.  AmenÌęÌę

ITEM 15 LINK - RJ   
One of the best loved hymns of Wales to close: Cwm Rhondda – Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer.

ITEM 16 CHOIR   Guide me O thou great Redeemer   CWM RHONDDA 


A: Lord of light, shine on us, that we may see your way clearly and walk in it courageously.Lord of life, flow through us, that we may bring hope and healing to our world.Lord of love, live in us, that by humble service and open-hearted forgiveness we may be agents of your grace.ÌęÌę

B: The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord 

C: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and always. 

Agnus Dei from The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace, Karl Jenkins


  • Sun 25 Feb 2024 08:10

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