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Chan eil mi ag iarraidh piuthar tuilleadh!/I want to be an only child again!

Episode 10 of 26

Petit is tired of his little sister and decides that he will be an only child again.

Tha Peicein sgìth dhe phiuthar bheag agus tha e a’ co-dhùnadh nach eil e ag iarraidh piuthar tuilleadh. Às dèidh feuchainn ri dhol air ais ann an ùine airson Tìona a thilleadh dhan bhùth agus pàrantan ùr fhaighinn, tha e ag ionnsachadh gum feum e daoine a leanas òrdain, ma tha e airson a bhith na rìgh.

Petit is tired of his little sister and decides that he will be an only child again. After trying to go back in time, give back Tina for store credit and switching parents, he discovers that to be king, he needs people to reign over.

19 days left to watch

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Kim Carnie
Various Calum MacDonald
Various Calum MacAmhlaigh
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions


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