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Gabh Dhan Chlub!

Episode 32 of 52

Tha aig Pip is Posy ri crathadh-làimhe sònraichte ionnsachadh an-diugh. Pip and Posy have to learn a new handshake today.

Mus fhaigh Pip is Posy a-steach dhan chlub’ ùr aig Francaidh, feumaidh iad ionnsachadh mar a nì iad crathadh-làimh’ sònraichte nam ball. Tha Pip den bheachd gu bheil seo ro dhoirbh ach tha Posy airson taic a thoirt dha.

Before Pip and Posy can get into Francaidh’s club, they have to learn to do the special members’ handshake. Pip finds this too difficult, but Posy wants to help him.

22 days left to watch

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Posy Mischa Macpherson
Pip Eilidh MacCarmaig
Zac Koren Pickering
Editor Phil Reed
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald


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