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'S e Obair Latha Tòiseachadh

Tha mòran ri dhèanamh san taigh ùr ’s dùil ri bèibidh ùr cuideachd! There’s much to do at the new house and a new baby due, too!

Nuair a tha an teàghlach air tilleadh chun an t-seann dachaigh aig Dad, chan eil Mam ro thoilichte oir tha e salach is seann fhasanta. Tha dùil aig Mam ri bèibidh ùr – saoil am faigh iad air an taigh a thionndadh na dhachaigh mus till Mam is Dad às an ospadal leis a’ bhèibidh?

When the family return to dad’s old home, mum isn’t very happy as it's dirty and old fashioned. Mum is expecting a baby - will they be able to turn the house into a home before mum and dad return from hospital with the baby?

14 minutes


Role Contributor
Jana Holly Duffy
Mother Eilidh Cormack
Jakov Finlay Tarves
Father Calum MacKinnon
Editor Phil Reed
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald
