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An t-Eagal, An t-Eudach ‘s An Gaol – Fear, Envy and Love

Episode 5 of 6

The community comes to terms with the aftermath of the fire, while Johan makes moves to become a majority shareholder in the mill.

Murdina is thrown into turmoil when she realises that Johan is becoming a majority shareholder in the mill. Mill manager Sìleas offers newcomer Rory a job as one of the drivers. But just who exactly is this mysterious Irish stranger, Rory? Ivor and Dòmhnall’s relationship is put to the test when Ivor shares his fears that he may be responsible for the fire.

Tha Murdina troimhe-chèile nuair a tha i ag ionnsachadh gur ann aig Johan a bhios an roinn as motha ‘sa mhuileann. Tha Sìleas, ceannard na muilne, a’ toirt obair do Rory mar dhraibhear, ‘s e air ùr nochdadh. Ach cò dìreach a th’ anns a’ choigreach Èireannach, Rory? Tha buaireadh eadar Ivor is Dòmhnall, le Ivor ag aideachadh gur dòcha gur esan as coireach airson an teine.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

5 weeks left to watch

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Seumas Ewen MacKinnon
Sileas Erica Morrison
Donald Eoghan MacDonald
Murdina Emma MacLeod
Shonnie David MacKenzie
Executive Producer Jim Webster
Executive Producer Tony Kearney
