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Kate and her dad journey to Pabbay, Ensay and the South of Harris, where they explore the beautiful islands underwater and on dry land.

Tha Kate Nicleòid, maighdeann-mhara Innse Gall, gar toirt air turas gu cuid de na ceàrnaidhean àlainn nach eil cho aithnichte sna h-Eileanan an Iar agus bidh i a’ coinneachadh ri seanchaidhean le sgeulachdan iongantach mu na h-àiteachan air a bheil i gu math dèidheil, os cionn agus fon uisge.

Anns an treas prògram, tha Kate agus a h-athair a’ cumail orra gu Pabaigh, Easaigh agus Ceann a Deas na Hearadh, far am iad a’ gabhail cuairt timcheall nan eileanan àlainn seo fon mhuir agus tioram air tìr.
Tha Kate a’ faighinn facal air Fiona NicChoinnich ann an Strannda gus ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn nam peathraichean Pàislig agus mar a bha iadsan an urra ris a’ chiad phìos de chlò Hearach a chaidh a reic, a tha a-nis aithnichte air feadh an t-saoghail, agus bidh i a’ tachairt ri Coinneach Caimbeul aig a bheil dlùth cheangal ri Eilean Phabaigh.

Bidh i cuideachd a’ coinneachadh ris an tuilleadh ròin agus a’ toirt sùil air bòidhchead nan coilltean feamainn iongantach rin lorg fon uisge ann an Easaigh.

Kate Macleod, The Hebridean Mermaid, takes us on a journey to some of the hidden gems of the Hebrides, meeting tradition bearers with remarkable stories about the places she loves to visit the most, above and below the water.

Kate and her dad journey to Pabbay, Ensay and the South of Harris, where they explore these beautiful islands underwater and on dry land.

She meets Fiona MacKenzie in the village of Strond to learn about how the Paisley Sisters were responsible for the first ever commercially produced web of the world-renowned Harris Tweed, and she talks to Kenneth Campbell who has a strong connection to the Island of Pabbay. Kate continues attempting to befriend seals and takes in the beauty of Ensay's underwater seaweed forests.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Kate Macleod
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Producer Peter Macqueen
Production Manager Marion Maclean
