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Episode 7

Episode 7 of 9

In the south of Kintyre, Ramsay stays on the tidal island of Davaar for the night. An ceann a deas Chinn Tìre tha Ramsay a’ fuireach oidhche air eilean dòirlinn Dà Bhàrr.

In order to survive the working week, Ramsay MacMahon makes sure he has an escape and an adventure in store for the weekend. And Scotland is his oyster.

With two days off and leaving his cares behind him, he heads for Kintyre. On his way he visits Saddell Bay; it’s here that Paul McCartney filmed the pop video for 'Mull of Kintyre.' Then it’s on to Campbeltown, an area famed for distilling. On the shores just outside the town he learns how to make whisky cocktails.

The tidal island of Davaar is where he stays the night. After carefully choosing his time to cross the pebbled causeway he has some very special accommodation lined up in a former wartime signal station. Exploring the island, Ramsay picks his own cockles for dinner and discovers a cave on the shoreline with a unexpected painting on its walls.

Airson faighinn tron t-seachdain obrach, tha Ramsay MacMahon a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e ag amas air deagh dheireadh-sheachdain air falbh on bhaile: is tha taghadh aige à farsaingeachd na h-Alba.
Le dà latha dha fhèin is gun aon nì a’ cur dragh air, tha e a’ dèanamh air Cinn Tìre, agus an toiseach Bàgh Shaghadal far an do rinneadh a’ bhideo dhan òran “Mull of Kintyre” aig Paul McCartney.

Nuairsin gu Ceann Loch Chille Chiarain, far an robh mòran uisge-beatha ga dhèanamh aig aon àm: ionnsaichidh e dè bhios math ga chur na cheann.
Caidlidh e an oidhche sin air eilean Dà Bhàrr, is feumaidh e sùil a chumail air an làn mus gabh e null thuige air an dòirlinn. Tha a leabaidh a’ feitheamh ann an ionad faire bho àm a’chogaidh. Ach an toiseach tha e a’togail shrùpan airson a shuipeir – agus a’ lorg uamh le dealbh inntinneach na broinn!

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Mon 11 Sep 2023 23:30


Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
