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5: Check

Episode 5 of 10

The next story in a series set in a seemingly ordinary English village, now gripped by chess: Today: in 'Check', has Matthew spotted the culprit behind the strange acts of misrule?

The next in a gripping new short story series, set in Little Purlington - a seemingly ordinary English village, but which is anything but.

Today, in 'The Check', local chess prodigy Matthew thinks he might know who is behind the strange acts of misrule in the village...

Reader: Harry Redding
Writer: Eley Williams is the author of Attrib. and Other Stories, and a debut novel, The Liar's Dictionary.
Producer: Justine Willett

Available now

14 minutes

Last on

Monday 14:45


  • Sun 28 Nov 2021 19:45
  • Monday 14:45