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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 3

Tha Sweeny ag obrachadh a-mach cùisean air an lot tron àm dhùbhlanach a tha seo. Sweeny is working out how to keep the croft going during these challenging times.

Tha Dòmhnall MacSuain no Sweeny mar as fheàrr a dh’ aithnichear e air ais le sreath ùr shònraichte air an lot ann an Nis ’s sinn ga leantainn bho thoiseach na bliadhna agus tro àm a’ ghlasaidh, a’ faicinn mar a tha suidheachadh a’ choronabhìorais air buaidh a thoirt air a’ bheatha na chroitear làn ùine.

Anns an dàrna prògram, tha an dùthaich gu lèir fo ghlas is Sweeny a’ cnuasachadh agus ag obrachadh a-mach cùisean air an lot tron àm dhùbhlanach a tha seo. Seach nach eil sgioba camara ceadaichte aig an àm seo, tha e cuideachd a’ fàs cleachdte ri bhith dèanamh an fhilmeadh aige fhèin. Tha naidheachd mhath ann am measg ùpraid a’ choronabhìorais, le laogh ùr air a bhreith, agus tha e air bhioran mu àm breith nan uan agus cothrom am polycrub ùr fheuchainn a-mach. Mu dheireadh, tha naidheachd mhath eile a’ nochdadh a nì eadar-dhealachadh mòr dha obair na lot ann an Nis airson na bliadhna a tha ri thighinn.

Donald Macsween, or Sweeny as he is best known, is back with a special series from his croft in Ness, as we follow him from the beginning of the year and into lockdown, getting his thoughts on how the coronavirus has impacted him in his job as a full time crofter.

The whole country is in lockdown and Sweeny is adjusting and working out how to keep the croft going during these challenging times. With no camera crew permitted to visit for now, he is also getting to grips with self-shooting. Good news arrives amongst the chaos in the form of a new calf being born. Sweeny is also very excited about the opportunity to put the polycrub into use during lambing, and he receives more good news, which will make a big difference to life on the croft in Ness for the year ahead.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

30 minutes


Role Contributor
Interviewed Guest Norman Maclean
Interviewed Guest Micheil Russel Smith
Presenter Donald MacSween
Director Ross Macleod
Producer David Martin
Executive Producer Seumas MacTaggart
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
