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Episode 7

Episode 7 of 10

Mairi E MacLeod and Eoghan Stewart discuss books of special interest to them. Both guests enjoy reading but also write books and poetry.

Anns an t-sreath seo, bidh Anna NicleĂČid a’ cĂČmhradh ri dithis neach mu na leabhraichean as fheĂ rr leotha. An t-seachdain-sa, ‘s iad MĂ iri E NicleĂČid Ă s an Eilean Sgitheanach agus Eoghan StiĂčbhart Ă  Inbhirnis a bhitheas a’ moladh dĂ  leabhar a chĂČrd riuthasan. Tha an dithis glĂš mheasail air leabhraichean ach bidh an dithis aca a sgrĂŹobhadh cuideachd.

‘S e tidsear GĂ idhlig a th’ ann am MĂ iri E. NicLeĂČid, Ă s an Eilean Sgitheanach bho thĂčs ach a-nis a’ fuireach agus ag obair ann an Glaschu. Tha i air iomadach sgeidse, dealbh-chluich agus sgeulachdan goirid a sgrĂŹobhadh. Thagh MĂ iri leabhar eucoir, The Cuckoo's Calling le Robert Galbraith (ainm-brĂšige a bhitheas J.K. Rowling a cleachdadh) agus nobhail Ăšibhinn stĂšidhichte ann am Barraigh a sgrĂŹobh Aonghas PĂ draig Caimbeul; An Constanbal Murdo.

Bidh Eoghan, a tha fuireach ann an Inbhirnis, a’ sgrĂŹobhadh bĂ rdachd agus a leughadh gu tric is minig. Tha e taghadh dĂ  leabhar gu math eadar-dhealaichte ach mar a thuirt e fhĂšin tha iad “lĂ n dĂČchais”. A’ chiad leabhar a thagh e ‘s e Ceremony air a sgrĂŹobhadh le Leslie Marmon Silko, TĂčsanach Aimeireaganach.

Tha an dàrna leabhar aig Eoghan, Children of the Dead End, stùidhichte ann an an Èirinn agus ann an Alba. Leabhar ficsean a th’ann a sgrìobh Patrick MacGill ach mu dheidhinn a bheatha fhùin.
Aig deireadh a’ phrĂČgram, bidh MĂ iri agus Eoghan a’ taghadh dĂš an leabhar ‘s fheĂ rr leotha a-mach Ă s na ceithir leabhraichean a bha iad a’ cĂČmhradh mu dheidhinn.

Anna Macleod chats with Mairi E MacLeod and Eoghan Stewart, who discuss books of special interest to them. Both guests enjoy reading but also write books and poetry.

Mairi has chosen two very distinct books. Her first choice is a crime novel written by Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym of JK Rowling. After Harry Potter, the author chose crime fiction for her next books. Her second choice is a warm and funny book written by Angus Peter Campbell, called An Constanbal Murdo. It is situated on Barra and the local constable sets out to find out who stole a precious souvenir from Kismuil Castle.

Eoghan currently lives in Inverness and is also an enthusiastic reader and enjoys writing poetry. He has chosen two diverse books but describes them both as “full of hope”. His first choice is written by Leslie Marmon Silko called Ceremony which explores Native American culture. Children of the Dead End by Patrick MacGill is his second recommendation. Although a fictional book, it closely resembles aspects of the writer’s own life starting with an account of his childhood in Ireland and then moving to Scotland where he discovers himself as a writer.

At the end of the show, each guest is tasked with choosing which of the four books they would like to take home with them.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Anna Macleod
Producer Rebecca MacLennan
Production Manager Mairi Mackinnon
Director John Smith
