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Pios Math Duff

Peigi is desperate to find a wife for her messy son, Murchadh. Tha Peigi a lorg bean dha mac, Murchadh.

Tha Peigi air fàs seachd searbh sgìth de na boilersuits salach aig Murchadh a mac air feadh an taighe. Tha i ag iarraidh air a caraid, Ceiteag, a cuideachadh le bhith a' lorg bean dha. Tha iad a' toirt sùil air làrach-lìn ur,, ach chan eil na caileagan a tha sin a' còrdadh riutha. Chan eil iad a' còrdadh ri Murchadh nas motha agus tha e ag iarraidh bean a lorg dha fhèin. Aon latha, tha tè ruadh a' tighinn a-steach dhan gharaids gun dùil, agus ann am priobadh na sùla tha e ann an gaol ach gu de nì na cailleachan, cha robh seo anns a' phlana...

Peigi is desperate to find a wife for her messy son, Murchadh. She enlists the help of her friend, Ceiteag, and together they investigate a new dating website called Neither they nor Murchadh are very impressed with the profiles and he tells the old ladies in no uncertain terms to leave the choosing of a wife to himself. As fate would have it, a fiery red head walks into his garage one day unexpectedly and in the blink of an eye he falls in love. What will the old ladies do? This was not part of the plan.

5 minutes

Last on

Wed 12 Feb 2020 18:30
