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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 10

Anna Macleod in conversation with Lana Pheutan and Kevin Rodgers about their favourite books.

Bidh Anna Nicleòid a’ còmhradh ri dithis neach mu na leabhraichean as fheàrr leotha. An t-seachdain-sa, ‘s iad Lana Pheutan agus Caoimhin Iain Rodgers a bhios a’ taghadh nan leabhraichean. Am measg nan cuspairean; stòiridh oillteil agus ainmeil, ‘‘Salem’s Lot’ bho Stephen King, agus cluinnidh sinn dreach ùr èibhinn air seann ùirsgeul chloinne, le ‘Politically Correct Bedtime Stories’ bhon ùghdar James Finn Garner. Cuideachd tha sgeulachd beatha bho shaoghal ciùil, ‘White Line Fever’ bho Lemmy Kilmister, an seinneadair le Motörhead.

Tha beachdan gu math eadar-dhealaichte aig an dithis aca, gu h-àraid nuair a thig e gu sgriobhadh eagail – ach cò aca a bhios a lorg fois ann an leabhar, is cò a bhios a’ sireadh feagal? Cuideachd tha iad air leabhar a mholadh dha chèile ‘son a leughadh agus gheibh sinn a-mach anns a’ phrògram an do chòrd na leabhraichean riutha - neo nach do chòrd!

Anna Macleod in conversation with two guests about their favourite books. Lana Pheutan and Kevin Rodgers discuss books of special interest to them. The range of books includes Stephen King’s 'Salem’s Lot’, James Fin Garner’s ‘Politically Correct Bedtime Stories’ and ‘White Line Fever’, a rock 'n' roll, tell-all biography from Motorhead's Lemmy Kilmister.

Lana and Kevin’s opinions are diverse, especially on horror stories. Who might the terror seeker be and who might prefer a peaceful yarn? As well as discussing their favourite books, each guest will have chosen a book for the other to read and we’ll find out in the programme whether they enjoyed it - or not!

4 days left to watch

28 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Anna Macleod
Producer Donna Murchison
Director John Smith
Production Manager Kevin Walker
