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The tragedy unfolding on board and how he got ashore on the rope as described by John Maclean and told by Iain MacKay.

Air a’ chiad là den Fhaoilleach 1919, às dèidh dhaibh a thighinn tron Chiad Chogadh, bha còrr math air 200 seòladair a’ tighinn dhachaigh a Leòdhas agus na Hearadh airson a’ chiad Bhliadhn’ Ùr den t-sìth a thoirt a-steach. Ach cha d’fhuair 201 dhen a bh’air bòrd a-riamh an cothrom air an t-sìth a bha sin leis gun deach HMY Iolaire a sgrios air Biastan Thuilm. Cha do do thàrr ach 79 às lem beatha.

Ann an Guthan na h-Iolaire tha na thachair do cheathrar dhiubhsan a bh’ air bòrd agus ceathrar a bh’ air tìr air innse anns na facail aca fhèin le actaran : tha Iain F Macleòid a fhuair air tìr leis a’ ròp, Dòmhnall Moireasdan a thug fad na h-oidhch’ anns a’ chrann, Raibeart MacFhionghain a fhuair aist’ le snàmh agus Iain MacIllEathain a fhuair gu sàbhailteachd air a’ ròp. Air tìr bha Ceitidh NicLeòid air bhioran agus a co-ogha a’ tighinn dhachaigh, bha Màiri NicLeòid a’ feitheamh ri h-athair, bha Ceitidh Bell NicDhòmhnaill ag obair ann an taigh-òsta agus chunnaic i na seallaidhean uabhasach ann a Steòrnabhagh an ath là agus Dòmhnall MacPhàil nach do dhìo-chuimhnich a-riamh a nàbaidh a’ lorg corp a mhic.

On the 1 January 1919, having survived the First World War, in excess of 200 naval men were coming home to Lewis and Harris to celebrate their first New Year of peace. Sadly, 201 of those on board never had the opportunity to savour that peace, as their ship, HMY Iolaire struck rocks half a mile from port at the Beasts of Holm. Only 79 men survived that awful night.

Guthan na h-Iolaire is a series of monologues with the survivors and witnesses of the tragedy’s own words spoken by actors. They include John F Macleod, who managed to get ashore with a rope, Donald Morrison, who clung all night to the mast, Robert MacKinnon who managed to swim to safety and John Maclean who got ashore by the rope. The others were onshore – Katie Macleod was a little girl excited since her cousin was coming home, Màiri Macleod was waiting for her father’s return, hotel worker Katie Bell MacDonald was shocked by the scene she saw in Stornoway the following day and Donald MacPhail never forgot seeing his neighbour finding his son’s body.

4 minutes


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