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Episode 3

Young musicians Clann Thròndairnis have their last rehearsal before the National Mod and a group of volunteers rebuild a path to the beach in Staffin.

Se sgìre bhreagh a th’ann an sgìre Thròndairnis ann an ceann a tuath an eilein Sgitheanaich. ‘Sann ann an Tròndairnis a tha grunnd dhe na seallaidhean as ainmeil anns an eilean, na measg Bodach na Stòrr, an Cuth-raing agus Creag an Fheilidh, agus tha na mìltean de luchd-turais a’ tadhal air an sgìre gach bliadhna.

Tha Tròndairnis a’ toirt a-steach Stafainn, Uig agus Cille Mhoire agus bha a-riamh coimhearsnachd laidir Gàidhlig ann a bailtean na sgìre.
Anns an t-sreath seo a chaidh a’ fiolmadh thairis air bliadhna, tha sinn a’ cur eòlas air muinntir Thròndairnis agus a’ leantainn na sgeulachdan aca tro’n bhliadhna.

Anns an treas prògram, tha crodh le Dòmhnall Rankin ann a Harrogate airson Show Sgire York, tha Clann Thròndairnis a’ coinneachadh airson an turas mu dheireadh mus fhalbh iad gun a Mhòd agus tha dùbhlan ro sgioba a tha a’ tadhal air an eilean.

The Trotternish peninsula on the island of Skye is an area of outstanding natural beauty. It is home to some of Skye’s best known landmarks including The Old Man of Storr, the Quiraing, Kilt Rock and Fairy Glen and it attracts thousands of visitors every year. Trotternish also has a traditional crofting community and some of Skye’s strongest Gaelic speaking areas. Filmed over a year, this series documents life in the villages of the Trotternish peninsula through the seasons.

Donald Rankin’s pedigree Aberdeen Angus cattle compete at the Great Yorkshire Show, young musicians Clann Thròndairnis have their last rehearsal before the National Mod and a group of volunteers rebuild a path to the beach in Staffin.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
