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Follow-up programme to the series following students in their first year at Edinburgh Theological Seminary and looking to become ministers in the Free Church of Scotland.

Anns a' phrògram ùr seo tha sinn a' leantainn Innes, Pòl, Mark agus Daibhidh agus iad air tighinn gu deireadh an trèanadh aca airson ministrealachd san Eaglais Shaor. As deidh trì bliadhna ann an Seimeanaraidh Diadhaireachd Dhùn Èideann a bheil iad deiseil airson a' ghairm-beatha a tha roimhpe? As deidh ceumnachadh feumaidh na balaich ceudachadh oifigeil fhaighinn bhon eaglais airson an t-soisgeul a theagaisg.

Ach mas faigh iad sin tha aon deuchainn eile ri shuidhe - agus sin 's dòcha am fear is iomagainiche chun a seo! Ach às bith càite an toir a' mhinistrealachd na balaich bidh obair dhùbhlanach, ach sàsachail, roimhpe agus iad a' gabhail uallach coitheanalan de gach seòrsa air feadh na Gàidhealtachd agus na h-eileanan.

In this new episode, we follow Innes, Paul, Mark and David as they come to the end of their training for the ministry in the Free Church of Scotland. After three years at Edinburgh Theological Seminary are they ready for their vocation?

After graduation they must be licenced by local church presbyteries to preach the gospel and take the title reverend. But before that they must sit another exam - perhaps the most nerve-wracking one of their entire training! Wherever ministry takes the boys they can be sure of a challenging but rewarding vocation ahead as they take on the responsibilities of ministering to a variety of congregations throughout the Highlands and Islands.

45 minutes

Last on

Sun 4 Feb 2018 20:00