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William Crawley has been to America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, now he returns to home soil to find out what the stories he heard reveal about the Ulster-Scots diaspora.

Over four years and across seven hours of television William Crawley has travelled to America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to tell the stories of some remarkable Ulster-Scots men and women who made their mark in the New World. Now he returns to home soil to find out what those stories reveal about the Ulster-Scots diaspora as a whole and how the loss of sons and daughters, neighbours and friends over generations has made emigration part of our story and of this world, Back ±«Óãtv.

Available now

45 minutes

Last on

Sat 1 Sep 2018 18:05


Role Contributor
Presenter William Crawley
Director Jane Magowan
Producer Laura Doherty
Production Company DoubleBand Productions


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