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Episode 3

Gaelic drama series. Seamus learns the truth about Estella's baby, while Estella has Jacob admitted to the hospital with typhoid fever.

An dèidh tiolacadh Cheit, tha Seamus faighinn a-mach gur e leanaibh Estella, an leanaibh aige fhein is Ceit. Ged tha Estella mì-cìnnteach, tha i a toirt cead dha Seamus faighinn eòlas air Moses agus tron seo, tha e fhèin agus Estella fàs dlùth ri chèile. Tha Estella air toirt Jacob dhan ospadal sgàths gu bheil e leis am fiabhras-mòr. Le Captain Galvin mar sgaoil le taic bho Peachy Taylor, a tha fhathast a togail a guth an aghaidh na Tùsanaich Ameireaganach, tha iad còmhla a lorg Pàdraig le dìreach aon co-dhùnadh bàsail an comas. Chan eil cùisean rèidh eadar Mici Ban is Seamus, s'tha seo a fàgail Mici Ban air a'bhàthadh.

After Kate's funeral Seamus learns that Estella's baby is actually his by Kate. He demands to get access and reluctantly Estella agrees and slowly a bond between them starts to form. Estella has Jacob admitted to the hospital due to typhoid fever. Captain Pat is finally let out of prison by Peachy Taylor, who continues to drum up hatred for the Indians and, along with Mister Angel, they hunt Padraig down at his claim with only one deadly outcome possible. Micky Ban pushes Seamus too far and he too meets a watery end.

51 minutes
