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Gaelic drama series. Fed up with not having any money of his own, Seamus steals a portion of the Connolly gold to go into business with Petey McDonagh.

Seachd sgìth le bhith gun airgead dha fhèin, tha Seumas a' goid pàirt de dh'òr Connolly airson a dhol ann an gnìomhachas le Petey Mc Donagh. Ach an dèidh seo tha Seamus a' faighinn a-mach gur e an com-pàirtiche ùr aige am fear a bha fìor dhona ris bhon chiad latha air an Dominion. Tha Tom agus El Soo, piuthar Skookum Jim, a' tuiteam ann an gaol.

Fed up with not having any money of his own, Seamus steals a portion of the Connolly gold to go into business with Petey McDonagh, only to discover that his torturer from his first day in Dominion is his new business partner.

Tom and Skookum Jim's sister, El Soo, start to fall in love.

51 minutes
