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The Braille Legacy Musical, International Blind Tennis

News, views and information for people who are blind or partially sighted. Author Sebastien Lancrenon on his new musical about the life and achievements of Louis Braille.

Peter White talks to the author of The Braille Legacy - a musical currently staged at The Charing Cross Theatre in London, which dramatises the life and achievements of Louis Braille, who invented the tactile writing system. Ellie Southwood who has been to see the show, gives a review from a blind person's perspective.

Last week in Spain the first international blind tennis tournament was held with 12 countries competing for international rankings. Chris Baily came home with a trophy for Great Britain and the title of World Number One in blind tennis. He tells us what it means to him and his hopes that one day Blind Tennis will be a paralympic sport.

Presenter: Peter White
Producer: Lee Kumutat.

Available now

20 minutes

Last on

Tue 16 May 2017 20:40


  • Tue 16 May 2017 20:40

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