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Anna Latharna: Aitealan

Episode 5 of 7

Cuairt-chiùil shònraichte le Anna Latharna NicGillìosa a' comharrachadh beatha iongantach. Anne Lorne Gillies goes on a musical journey to her past, revealing a remarkable story.

Tha Anna Latharna NicGillìosa air duaisean a chosnadh airson a sgilean ciùil is seinn, ach is iomadh tàlant eile a tha aice air nach eil a' mhòr-shluagh cho eòlach. Fhuair i trèanadh clasaigeach mar sheinneadair, tha i air prògraman telebhisein a lìbhrigeadh agus tha i air seasamh airson na Pàrlamaid. A-bharrachd air an sin tha i na sgoilear, na dealbhadair agus na neach-dèanadais. Tha i air prògraman telebhisein a riochdachadh, agus air leabhraichean is dealbhan-chluich ioma-mheadhan a sgrìobhadh. Ann an 2005, chruthaich i an obair choileanta, "Songs of Scotland," mu cheòl Gàidhlig, agus tha fèill mhòr oirre mar sgrìobhaiche agus mar sheinneadair chun an là an-diugh. Anns a' phrògram seo, agus an lùib pìosan ciùil a chaidh a chlàradh aig Celtic Connections,
thèid an craoladair Iain Mac'illeMhìcheil agus Anna air cuairt-chiùil shònraichte a' comharrachadh stòiridh agus beatha iongantach.

Anne Lorne Gillies is an award winning entertainer and singer but she has passions and interests that few know about. The classically trained singer is also a television presenter, an illustrator, an academic, an activist and has stood for parliament. She has produced television programmes, written stage plays, dramas and books. In 2005, she wrote the definitive volume on Gaelic music - Songs of Gaelic Scotland - and remains in constant demand as a singer and writer.

In this special programme, the broadcaster John Carmichael takes Anne Lorne Gillies on a musical journey to her past and together they tell a remarkable story, interspersed with music recorded at Celtic Connections.

1 hour


Role Contributor
Presenter John Carmichael
Participant Anne Lorne Gillies
