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An ceòl agus dannsa as fheàrr bhon Tatù. Bill Innes introduces highlights from the 67th Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

'S e Bill Innes a chuireas fàilte oirbh gu pìobairean, drumairean agus dannsairean aig Tatù sònraichte a' comharrachadh a naochadamh bliadhna aig a' Bhanrigh. Mur a b'urrainn dhuibh a bhith aig an fhèis ann an Dùn Eideann san Lùnastal, seo cothrom na seallaidhean as fheàrr fhaicinn le còrr is mile agus dà cheud luchd ciùil bho air feadh an t-saoghal an làthair aig a' Chaisteil. Nam measg, cluicheadairean às an Nirribhidh, Jordan, Sealan Nuadh agus Alba.

Bill Innes introduces the best pipers, drummers and dancers from a special Military Tattoo celebrating Her Majesty the Queen's 90th year. This year marks the 67th year of the Tattoo, and over 1,200 musicians perform against the stunning backdrop of Edinburgh Castle. The spectacular production includes, amongst others, the New Zealand Army Band and Lochiel Marching Drill Team, in the company of His Majesty the King's Guard from Norway, the Imps Motorcycle Display Team alongside the Royal Jordanian Armed Forces Band and Drill Team. Also, offering a colourful and exciting experience, some of the best highland dancers in the world come together in beautiful massed displays.

1 hour, 50 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Bill Innes
