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Alaska's Salmon fishermen

Exploring the harsh working environments endured by Alaska's fishermen. A crew finds itself fishing out of the legal boundaries.

This documentary takes you to the harsh working environments endured by Alaska's fishermen during the wild salmon season.
Get an eye-opening insight into life on board and in the processing facilities. Examine how the purse seine net fishery and the
long line fishery operate all year round whilst battling the brutal Alaskan elements and witness the fiercely competitive annual
sock-eye salmon fishing frenzy worth 60 million dollars.

Veteran skippers Wes and Dan, along with the young but eager Gavin are feeling optimistic towards this year's salmon
season, predicted to be one of the biggest in decades. The early optimism quickly turns to frustration as one of our veteran
skippers gets caught fishing out of bounds by the Wildlife Troopers. Meanwhile, our green horn skipper Gavin is on the fish and
pulls in a huge haul to end day one on top. Day two brings some of the worst weather to hit the inlet in years. With bills to pay
and salmon to slay our skippers boldly brave the weather and high seas in hopes to bring home boats full of sockeye salmon.

Thigibh air turas sònraichte a' sealltainn an obair chruaidh, chunnartach a th' aig balaich Alasga gach bliadhna, tron t-sèasan
iasgaich a' lorg bradain fiadhaich. Chithear beatha air bòrd nam bàtaichean agus cuideachd aig na goireasan làimhseachaidh air tìr. Chithear na dòighean iasgaich eadar-dhealaichte fad na bliadhna, a dh' aindeoin sìde gharbh Alasga. Le 60 millean dolair air a dhèanamh gach bliadhna, tha na h-iasgairean a' sabaid an aghaidh a chèile airson grunnd iasgaich a ghabhail thairis.
Tha na sgiobairean againn Wes agus Dan cuide ri Gavin, an sgiobair as ùire, làn dòchais gu bheil an t-seusan iasgaich seo gu
bhith soirbheachail agus nas fheĂ rr na tha e air a bhith ann am bliadhnaichean.

Ach, tha cùisean a' dol ceàrr gu math luath, le aon de na h-iasgairean a' cur lìon taobh a-muigh nan crìochan laghail. Tha cùisean a' dol nas fheàrr dha Gavin is e a' lìonadh a' bhàta le bradain. An ath là, chan eil cuisean cho math le droch shìde a' cur bacadh air na bàtaichean ach le cunntasan ri phàigheadh tha gach sgioba a' feuchainn ri na lìn aca a lìonadh a dh' aindeoin na h-aimsire.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles.

45 minutes

Last on

Sun 25 Oct 2015 23:00

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