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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 8

Police drama. Gene and the team must protect an undercover policewoman investigating a drugs ring on their patch, while Alex continues to be haunted by the ghostly constable.

DCI Gene Hunt and his team, DI Alex Drake, DI Ray Carling and DC Chris Skelton, are hot on the tail of a van they believe contains a large amount of heroin. When the Quattro blocks the van's escape route, the team are faced with a woman brandishing a sawn-off shotgun, but bullish Gene shows no fear and heads straight over to take on the female blagger. However, things suddenly take a strange turn when Gene seems to let her escape.

It transpires that the woman is an undercover police officer, and Gene is not happy that an operation is taking place on his patch. DCI Jim Keats is quick to shed some light on the situation; Louise Gardner from Hanfield police station has infiltrated the Staffords, a notorious crime family who Gene shares some history with.

Gene is determined to take over the op, but in no time at all he manages to blow Louise's cover. Jim is not happy, and the situation is made worse when Louise turns up black and blue at CID. With Louise under the protection of Gene and CID, they have to work fast to stop Daniel Stafford getting his latest lot of heroin on to the streets.

As Gene and Alex close in on the Staffords, something is not quite right; some of Louise's reports are missing and it looks as if someone on the inside is bending the rules to help keep the Staffords on the streets.

Meanwhile, the ghostly police constable with the 6-6-20 epaulette number is still haunting Alex, and she's becoming more convinced he's the key to getting home.

Available now

1 hour

Audio described

Last on

Fri 23 Apr 2010 21:00


Role Contributor
Gene Hunt Philip Glenister
Alex Drake Keeley Hawes
Ray Carling Dean Andrews
Chris Skelton Marshall Lancaster
Shaz Granger Montserrat Lombard
Jim Keats Daniel Mays
Luigi Joseph Long
Viv James Geff Francis
Louise Gardiner Zoe Telford
Terry Stafford Peter Guiness
Daniel Stafford Bryan Dick
DCI Wilson Paul Moriarty
Shorty Ryan Pope
Pathologist Charlie Roe
Small Boy Connor Kinehan
Writer Jack Lothian
Producer Howard Burch
Director Alrick Riley
