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An cuilean dathach/The colourful dog

Episode 5 of 13

Being chased one day by dogs, Giddy, a young jackal, stumbles through some dyer's pots, emerging rainbow-coloured.

Dealbhan beò stèidhichte air sgeulachdan as gach cearn. Tha cuilean og san fhàsach a' dol a-measg am peant a th'aig an fhear a bhios a dath an aodaich. Tha cota air a' nise mar bogha-froise agus 's e a' faighinn urram bho na beathaichean eile. Ach as deidh ùine tha sin a'cuir astar eadar fhèin is na beathaichean eile agus tha e ag ionndrainn mar a b'abhaist cuisean a bhi. Ach ciamar a gheibh e air ais chun a sin?

Animated tales from around the world. Being chased one day by dogs, Giddy, a young jackal, stumbles through some dyer's pots, emerging rainbow-coloured. His startling appearance gives him new-found status with the other animals, who treat him as a king. But the game of pretending to be someone else soon palls and he misses his life as a jackal. How can he return to his previous life?

15 minutes
