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Voices Unlocked Privacy Notice

Your trust is very important to us. This means the ±«Óãtv is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data. It is important that you read this notice so that you are aware of how and why we are using such information. This privacy notice describes how we collect and use personal data about you during and after your relationship with us, in accordance with data protection law.

Why we are doing this and how you can participate

±«Óãtv Scotland is hosting a media familiarisation day called Voices Unlocked for people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities who are interested in appearing as contributors or potential future talent on our digital, TV and radio output.

We are asking for individuals to apply from across the country to share with us your views, interests and stories about aspects of life in Scotland, including family life and parenting, religion and faith, politics, health, education, and work life.

We are asking you to apply by completing the uploader form with your contact details, a short personal video (two minutes or less in duration) talking about your interests or personal story and why you’d like to be part of Voices Unlocked.

The aim of the online familiarisation day is to offer an introduction to the media industry, as well as masterclasses with industry professionals including experienced programme-makers.

This is an opportunity to find out more about what it’s like to be a contributor and to gain an insight into what is involved when taking part in TV and radio interviews. We also want to give you the opportunity to meet producers and programme-makers.

Should your application and involvement in the familiarisation day be successful, we will make your contact details available to our journalists, producers and programme makers so that they can contact you about future involvement as a contributor in our programmes.

What ±«Óãtv will collect and how we will use it

The ±«Óãtv will collect and process the information that you have provided to us about yourself. There are two types of information you may provide: personal data and special category data.

You must be 18 years or older to upload your video with your application form. The ±«Óãtv will collect and process the following personal data:

  • Your name
  • Age
  • Job title
  • Your email address
  • Mobile number
  • Your video (please don’t include other people in your video)
  • Your interests
  • Your personal story

Although we will never directly ask you for this information, if you include it in your application it is possible the ±«Óãtv will also collect and process special category data. This could include:

  • Race or ethnicity
  • Religion or philosophical beliefs
  • Political views
  • Sexual orientation

We will also store some of the information you provide in our Open Media system (your name, age, job title, email address, mobile number and your interests) for the purpose of creating a resource for ±«Óãtv journalists, producers and programme-makers who may contact you to appear as a contributor or potential future talent on our digital, TV and radio output. Please note that not all applicants will be contacted.

Who is the Data Controller?

The ±«Óãtv is the “data controller” of your personal data. This means that the ±«Óãtv decides what your personal data is used for, and the ways in which it is processed. For the avoidance of doubt, your personal data will be collected and processed solely for the purposes set out in this privacy notice.

Lawful basis for processing your personal data

The legal basis on which the ±«Óãtv processes your personal data is your consent and for special category data is your explicit consent, for the ±«Óãtv’s purposes that are explained below:

  • ±«Óãtv’s Mission – includes acting in the public interest, serving all audiences, through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.

  • ±«Óãtv Public Purposes – includes reflecting, representing and serving the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.

  • ±«Óãtv General Duties – including Diversity, to assess and ensure that the ±«Óãtv, its services, content and output meet the needs of the diverse communities of the whole United Kingdom, provide a duly accurate and authentic portrayal and representation of diverse communities of the UK and have particular regard to the need to reflect underrepresented communities.

We may contact you about the possibility of your taking part any future similar training sessions subject to your consent to be contacted in this way. We cannot guarantee that all applicants will be contacted.

Do we share your personal data with Third Parties?

We will share your personal data with our selected third party partners who will collect and process this information on our behalf acting as the ±«Óãtv’s data processors.

This helps us provide the Voices Unlocked scheme, including to process your application, provide the familiarisation day and store your personal data and contact details for our purposes where appropriate. We ensure that our partners have all entered into an appropriate contract, which ensures they cannot do anything with your personal data except as we have instructed them to do so.

We will not share your personal data with any other third parties unless required or permissible by the law.

Retaining your information

The ±«Óãtv will retain your personal data for up to five years from the date of the upload, after which it will be deleted. Your video will be deleted after 90 days.

You can ask to have your personal data and video deleted any time by contacting

Your rights and more information

under data protection law. You can request a copy of the data the ±«Óãtv stores about you, which includes your ±«Óãtv Account data and the data described above.

You have the right to ask for your data we collect to be deleted however there are exceptions to your rights and they may be limited in some situations for example we may refuse this request.

You can contact our Data Protection Officer if you have questions or you wish to find out more details about your rights, please visit the ±«Óãtv’s Privacy and Cookies Policy at .

If you have a concern about the way the ±«Óãtv has handled your personal data, you can raise your concern with the supervisory authority in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) .

Updating this privacy notice

We will revise the privacy notice if there are significant changes to how we use your personal data.