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Five times Scots have been awesome at problem solving

28 March 2017

1. Turning your thinking around

In , Team Wyrm find themselves in a bit of a jam.

A last-minute repair turns forwards into backwards, but the lads from Falkirk come up with a novel solution.

• Robot Wars:

2. Tikka tinkering

According to urban legend, chicken tikka masala was invented in Glasgow in the 1960s when a diner complained his food was too dry.

The chef’s idea? Combine pieces of chicken tikka with a tin of a condensed tomato soup.

3. Sore bottom biking solution

In 1888, John Boyd Dunlop saw his son wincing with pain as he pedalled along a cobbled street on solid wheels.

An idea popped into his head: what if the wheels were surrounded by air-filled rubber?

4. The steam dream

James Watt didn’t invent the steam engine.

But in 1764 he starting modifying it so that much less steam escaped.

This was a dramatically more efficient way of producing power and drove the industrial revolution forward.

5. Seeing enemies in the dark

Robert Watson Watt was instrumental in developing a world-changing technology nearly 200 years later during World War Two.

His idea? Detecting planes in the sky by bouncing radio waves off them — radar.

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