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Part four-and-a-bit: aboard the Heart of Gold (again)

These are Douglas Adams' original hints for the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Adventure Game. Some questions have multiple answers and some are red herrings, so don't take the presence or absence of a question on a certain topic as an indication of what is important, and don't assume that long answers indicate important questions.

Is the spare Infinite Improbability Drive important?

Read the Guide entry on Improbability Physics.

- Still stuck?

You'll need the atomic vector plotter from the Vogon Hold. If you never got it while you were aboard the Vogon ship, you'll have to start the game over or go back to a saved position.

- Still stuck?

You'll also need a good source of Brownian Motion.

- Still stuck?

Consult the Hitchhiker's Guide about Brownian Motion.

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Have you seen any hot liquids?

- Still stuck?

You'll need the cup of Advanced Tea Substitute (ATS), which you can get from the Nutrimat in the Galley.

- Still stuck?

Now that you have all three items (spare Drive, plotter, and cup of ATS), you should be able to figure out how to hook them together.

- Still stuck?

Examine all three items.

- Still stuck?

You want to plug the small plug (from the Drive) into the small receptacle (in the atomic vector plotter). Also, you want to put the plotter's long dangly bit into the cup of ATS.

- Still stuck?

That still leaves the Drive's large plug unattached. See the question about the controls on the Bridge.

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When the spare Drive is hooked up properly, turning it on sends you to Dark. From there you can go to all sorts of neat new places.

How can I get past the screening door in the Corridor, Aft End?

This is a very difficult problem.

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Furthermore, you won't be able to tackle it until you're pretty far into the game. Don't let it worry you until you get up around 200 points.

- Still stuck?

Don't read any further unless you've gotten the cup of tea (real tea, not Advanced Tea Substitute).

- Still stuck?

Don't go any further unless you've been in the Maze.

- Still stuck?

Presumably you've tried "Open the door".

- Still stuck?

You have to show an example of your intelligence to the screening door.

- Still stuck?

Read the Guide entry on "Intelligence".

- Still stuck?

Can you think of anything contradictory that you could have or do?

- Still stuck?

To show your intelligence, there are two specific items that you must be holding at the same time.

- Still stuck?

Have you noticed what happens when you take or drop the (real) tea?

- Still stuck?

To prove your intelligence to the door, you must be holding "Tea" and "No tea" at the same time.

- Still stuck?

Try going back to the beginning of the game and taking or dropping "No tea".

- Still stuck?

Does the response to that ring any bells?

- Still stuck?

Have you ever read or examined the black particle in the Maze?

- Still stuck?

Do you know where you are when you are in the Maze? If not, see the questions on the Maze.

- Still stuck?

The Maze is your own brain, and the particle is your common sense. Once you have removed the particle, you will no longer be fettered by common sense...

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...and can take "No tea".

- Still stuck?

Spelling it out step by step: First, acquire a cup of tea. Then get rid of the common sense particle in the Maze. "Take Tea then take No tea". Finally, show the tea and then the no tea to the screening door. Or, you could save time on the last step and just "Knock on the door" while holding the two items.

- Still stuck?

Did you die upon passing through the screening door? It's because Marvin lives in the room beyond the door, and his awesome depression pervades the place.

- Still stuck?

You'll have to make yourself very happy before entering.

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Have you ever done anything that made you very happy and contented?

- Still stuck?

Drink the cup of tea before you enter.

Is Marvin important?

Yes, but not right away.

- Still stuck?

Until a point, he won't do anything you tell him to do.

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After that point, he'll grudgingly consent to one task.

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Have you ever followed Marvin when he appears around the Heart of Gold?

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He always disappears through a certain door.

- Still stuck?

Before Marvin will perform his one task, you must get past the screening door near the aft end of the corridor.

- Still stuck?

Don't go on until you've been in Marvin's Pantry.

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Congratulations. You've now impressed Marvin enough for him to listen to one request from you. Do you have any idea what order to give him?

- Still stuck?

What puzzles or obstacles still remain that he might help with?

- Still stuck?

Try examining the mechanism in the Access Space.

- Still stuck?

If you've ever seen the fruit, eating it would provide a big hint.

- Still stuck?

You want to order Marvin to open the hatch (as in "Marvin, open the hatch"). See the question about opening the hatch for more information.

Is the Access Space important?

It houses the mechanism that opens and closes the hatch. Have you ever examined the mechanism?

- Still stuck?

See the next question.

How can I open the hatch?

Have you tried "Open the hatch"?

- Still stuck?

If sirens and lights went off when you tried to open the hatch, then the ship is still in space. You can't open the hatch while the ship is in space, of course. Don't go on to the next hint until the ship has landed.

- Still stuck?

Do you remember an announcement when the Heart of Gold landed on Magrathea?

- Still stuck?

Eddie (the shipboard computer) is jamming the hatch to prevent anyone from leaving the ship until he's checked to make sure the environment is safe.

- Still stuck?

If you wait the 17 years such a check will take, you'll probably die of boredom.

- Still stuck?

You'll have to figure out how to override Eddie's wishes by fixing the hatchway mechanism in the Access Space.

- Still stuck?

You don't have the necessary intelligence for the task.

- Still stuck?

Someone else does.

- Still stuck?

Marvin. See the question about Marvin to figure out how to get him to open the hatch.

- Still stuck?

Once Marvin has agreed to open the hatch, he tells you to meet him in the Access Space in twelve turns. Make sure you're on hand for that meeting. (Hell hath no depression like a paranoid android scorned.)

- Still stuck?

Marvin will ask you for the tool he needs to fix the mechanism.

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You must give him the proper tool or you've blown your one chance to get the hatchway open.

- Still stuck?

There are a total of ten tools scattered throughout the game.

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Even if you've collected all ten tools, you can only carry one at a time into the Access Space...

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...and you don't have time to go out and get a different one before Marvin gives up and leaves...

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...and the chance of you bringing in the correct tool is very low.

- Still stuck?

In fact, Marvin will never ask for any tool you happen to be holding.

- Still stuck?

There's a way to figure out in advance what tool Marvin will ask you for.

- Still stuck?

See the question about the fluff.

- Still stuck?

Don't go on until you've seen the fruit.

- Still stuck?

Eat the fruit.

- Still stuck?

The glimpse of the future provided by the fruit tells you what tool to bring into the Access Space.

- Still stuck?

If you meet Marvin there and give him that tool when he asks for it, he will fix the mechanism and open the hatch.

- Still stuck?

You're now awesomely close to the end of the game.

- Still stuck?

Go down through the hatch.

Help! The Heart of Gold is being attacked by nuclear missiles!

This is a good point for a "Save"

- Still stuck?

The computer is helpless because you've tied it up with the Nutrimat Interface.

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You'll have to save the ship yourself.

- Still stuck?

The computer is tied up, so it can't turn on the main Drive during this emergency.

- Still stuck?

There's a spare Drive for use during emergencies.

- Still stuck?

Turn on the spare Drive.

- Still stuck?

That didn't work? Have you examined the spare Drive and the control console on the Bridge?

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If there are fused spots where the large plug and large receptacle used to be, you plugged the Drive in at the wrong time.

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Note that when the spare Drive is not connected to the control console and you turn it on, the effect is always directed at you personally. When the spare Drive is connected to the console, activating it has an effect on the entire ship.

- Still stuck?

Turning on the spare Drive while it's plugged into the control console destroys the large plug and large receptacle, so you can only do it once during the game. The one time you want to activate the drive while plugged into the control console is during the missile attack.