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Rogue to Wrestler: Can super-stardom be taught in four weeks?

25 March 2019

Eight complete novices with no experience, no wrestling credentials - not to mention a fairly chequered past - are put through their paces in an attempt to create something never before done in British wrestling: a Rogue to Wrestler champion.

The wrestling noobs in contention include Marguerita, 'Rab the Crab' and 'Pitbull Paul'

Mark Dallas, founding father of one of the biggest wrestling companies in Europe, is attempting to turn at least one of these eight “outcasts” into a pro-wrestling megastar. Would you put yourself in the hands of the man behind “Glasgow’s most insane night out”?

Mark Dallas is on a mission

“Get ready to jump on the rag-tag bag of misfits known as Insane Championship Wrestling cause if you don't you are gonna get run over”, says Dallas.

According to the new four part series, the recruits will be; “broken down and built back up but there can only be one winner”.

Following a UK-wide search for “rogues, misfits and outcasts” eight were chosen for rigorous training and unique challenges to test their bants as well as their brawn.

Hard times

All eight wrestling wannabes have all faced some tough challenges in life in one way or another.

Lil Scoop from Cameroon is full of bravado in the series but, as this clip reveals, he has a softer side: a loving single dad trying to do the best for his daughter, Tiara, after a difficult custody battle.

Some of the contestants have had childhoods in social care, others have witnessed the trauma of drug addiction or been exposed to criminality within their families.

But at this point in their lives, and by the fact of their very presence in this contest, all of them are on a road to a new and improved version of themselves.

Psychological test

Wrestlers need to be quick-on their wit as well as their feet: bombastic, funny, watchable.

"Your boobs are bigger than what I paid two and a half grand for"
Marguerita roasts an unsuspecting male contestant

“The performance outside the ring is arguably more important than inside the ring”, says mentor and champion wrestler, Lionheart.

“ICW fans are probably the most ruthless and judgmental fans in the world.”

As well as putting them through their paces physically, the rogues are given a series of intimidating public-facing challenges including compering a Glasgow open top bus tour and competing in a brutally personal roast of one another.

“They're actually having a go at each other on stage and this is what they have to learn to get that thick skin and not take themselves too seriously. And that's one of the hardest things to learn.” says voice of ICW, comedian Billy Kirkwood.

Episode one of Rogue to Wrestler holds an insult battle in a comedy club which the series' only female wrestler, Mags, cuts all the men to the quick in a dazzling ‘diss’ display.

It’s ok to be you

Despite all the bluster of the challenges and harsh critiques from the coaches, this show ultimately supports the message that it’s ok to be different, to be a misfit, and accept who you are.

Although there’s a lot of humour in the format, this is a real group of people who have struggled with bullying, violence and are using wrestling to find themselves.

Will these diamonds in the rough survive their grueling four-week wrestling boot camp? And who will lift the Rogue to Wrestler championship belt?

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