
Press Office

Wednesday 29 Oct 2014

Press Release

EastEnders to broadcast every night for one week

For one week only, EastEnders will be transmitting every week night on ±«Óãtv One, which will see the return of Max Branning (Jake Wood) and the arrival of his older brother Derek (Jamie Foreman).

Max left Walford in August when the affair he had with his ex-wife Tanya was exposed. Max was stunned when she subsequently told him that she didn't want to be with him and he fled Albert Square. However, Max was unaware that the real reason Tanya shunned him was because she had just been diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Max's return to Albert Square will coincide with the appearance of his older brother, Derek Branning, which will shock the entire family who haven't seen him for years. Will Derek be the same destructive, dangerous man he used to be, and if so will his family give him a warm welcome or the cold shoulder? Tanya will also reveal a long-held family secret, which will rock her mother, Cora, and sister, Rainie, to the core.

"Branning Week" will see secrets and lies exposed which will rock the family in a week Walford is sure to remember.

Notes to Editors

This week of episodes will broadcast on ±«Óãtv One, Monday 21 November at 8pm, Tuesday 22 November at 7.30pm, Wednesday 23 November time tbc, Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm and Friday 25 November at 8pm.

There will only be three episodes in the previous week due to ±«Óãtv Children in Need on Friday 18 November.


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