
Press Office

Wednesday 24 Sep 2014

Press Releases

Satnam Rana to present ±«Óãtv Radio programme and podcast Desi Download

Satnam Rana

Television news presenter Satnam Rana is to be the new voice of the ±«Óãtv Radio programme ±«Óãtv Desi Download.

She takes over the presentation of the pick-of-the-week style show from former Goodness Gracious Me actor Kulvinder Ghir.

Wolverhampton-born Satnam, who also presents Midlands Masala on ±«Óãtv Radio WM, will be reaching out to a worldwide audience with this latest addition to her presenting portfolio as ±«Óãtv Desi Download is available to download as a podcast from a PC or mp3 player.

The programme links the best bits from Asian Community programmes broadcast across England on ±«Óãtv Local Radio.

Of her new role Satnam says: "I am really looking forward to adding another string to my bow. Desi Download is a unique piece of broadcasting celebrating British Asian communities from all across the UK. I am excited to be part of it and cannot wait to get going!"

The Desi Download podcast can be downloaded from www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/desi. It is published every Tuesday.

You can also hear Satnam Rana on Midlands Masala, which includes Desi Download as an insert every Sunday evening between 10.00pm and 1.00am, on ±«Óãtv Radio WM 95.6FM.


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