
±«Óãtv Nations publicity

Contact details for ±«Óãtv press announcements

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These contact details are only for journalists wishing to contact the ±«Óãtv with enquiries. For all other queries please see the ±«Óãtv Contact page.

General email - PressOffice±«ÓãtvNI@bbc.co.uk

CC - Caroline Cooper - caroline.cooper@bbc.co.uk

JM4 - Jeff Magill - jeff.magill@bbc.co.uk

KM2 - Kevin McCauley - kevin.mccauley@bbc.co.uk

MD - Maria Devenny - maria.devenny@bbc.co.uk

ML - Michelle Loughran - michelle.loughran01@bbc.co.uk

MM2 - Michael Magill - michael.magill@bbc.co.uk

General email - PressOfficeScotland@bbc.co.uk

DH4 - Dawn Hill - dawn.hill@bbc.co.uk

HM - Hilda McLean - hilda.mclean@bbc.co.uk

JG2 - Jim Gough - jim.gough@bbc.co.uk

JM2 - Julie MacCaskill - julie.maccaskill@bbc.co.uk

RS - Rachel Smith - rachel.a.smith@bbc.co.uk

General number: 029-2032 2115

CR2 - Cerys Rees - 0303-082 1785 - cerys.rees@bbc.co.uk

GJ4 - Gwawr Jones - 0303-080 5811 - gwawr.jones@bbc.co.uk

JH3 - Jordan Harris - 029-2032 2115 - jordan.harris@bbc.co.uk

LD3 - Lewis Davies - 0303-082 0396 - lewis.davies@bbc.co.uk

NTW - Non Tudur Williams - 07920 451827 - nontudur.williams@bbc.co.uk

SG - Sioned Gwyn - 07715 424667 - sioned.gwyn@bbc.co.uk

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