
The tragic events of the Plymouth Shootings will be explored in a brand new documentary for ±«Óãtv Three and ±«Óãtv iPlayer

A brand new single documentary, made by Firecracker Films for ±«Óãtv Three and and ±«Óãtv iPlayer, will examine the events of the 2021 shootings in Keyham, Plymouth.

Published: 08:30 am, 6 June 2024
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A brand new single documentary, made by Firecracker Films for ±«Óãtv Three and and ±«Óãtv iPlayer, will examine the events of the 2021 shootings in Keyham, Plymouth.

On 12th August 2021, 22-year-old Jake Davison shot and killed five people in a quiet cul-de-sac, before turning the gun on himself, in what was the worst mass shooting on British soil for over a decade.

Featuring interviews with those close to the case, and those who knew Davison, the programme will highlight how a catalogue of failures allowed an unstable individual, who was known to the police, to remain in possession of a legal firearm.

The Plymouth Shootings will also examine Davison’s life prior to the attack and look at his ‘digital legacy’ - a series of videos and social media posts. In the months leading up to the shootings, Davison had been drawn to the ‘Incel’ movement – a deeply misogynistic ideology that is growing at an alarming rate and has been linked to violent extremism.

Lindsay Konieczny, Producer/ Director, for Firecracker Films, commented: “This film will attempt to understand why this tragedy happened, highlighting a series of societal failings. This is a complex story but is ultimately one of missed opportunities.â€

Nasfim Haque, Head of Content for ±«Óãtv Three, added: “This is an important exploration of the tragic events that took place in Plymouth in the Summer of 2021, and it has been approached with care and consideration.â€

The Plymouth Shootings is a 1 x 45’ documentary for ±«Óãtv Three and iPlayer, with Firecracker Creative Director Sam Emmery as Executive Producer, Lindsay Konieczny as Producer/ Director, Holly Doyle as Producer and Julie Scott as the Head of Production. The programme was developed by Kirsty Calvert-Ansari, Firecracker Creative Director of Development and was commissioned by Clare Sillery, Head of Commissioning, Documentaries and Nasfim Haque, Head of Content for ±«Óãtv Three. The Commissioning Editor for the ±«Óãtv is Fran Baker. It will be distributed by Passion Distribution.


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