
Ellie Leach is the tenth celebrity contestant confirmed for Strictly Come Dancing 2023

Ellie Leach is an actor

Published: 07:50 am, 9 August 2023
Ellie Leach
It still doesn’t feel real that I’m going to be doing Strictly!! It’s always been a dream of mine so I guess dreams really do come true!!!!
— Ellie Leach

Ellie Leach is the tenth celebrity contestant confirmed for the brand new series of Strictly Come Dancing. The multi-award-winning entertainment show, produced by ±«Óãtv Studios, will return to ±«Óãtv One and ±«Óãtv iPlayer for its new series this autumn, once again bringing glitter, glamour and glorious dancing to homes across the nation.

Ellie Leach is an actor.

Ellie is best known for portraying Faye Windass for 12 years on Coronation Street, nominated for multiple British Soap Awards and Inside Soap Awards for her role, hard hitting storylines included being pregnant at 13, discovering she was going through the menopause and reconnecting with the child she gave up - which led to her departing the cobbles earlier this year. Prior to Coronation Street, Ellie appeared in independent movie A Boy Called Dad and drama Moving On.

Ellie Leach says: "It still doesn’t feel real that I’m going to be doing Strictly!! It’s always been a dream of mine so I guess dreams really do come true!!!!"

The news was revealed on Wednesday 9 August on ±«Óãtv Breakfast.

The remaining celebrity contestants joining the new series will be announced in due course.


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