
Angela Scanlon is the sixth celebrity contestant confirmed for Strictly Come Dancing 2023

Angela Scanlon is a TV presenter

Published: 08:38 am, 7 August 2023
Angela Scanlon
I’m terrified, I’m excited and I have so many questions. Will they make me tan? How itchy are sequins?! Do they do flesh coloured sports bras? Well - there’s only one way to find out, right!? Now I’m panicking a bit... but also secretly thrilled about the prospect of all that glitter. Let’s go!
— Angela Scanlon

Angela Scanlon is the sixth celebrity contestant confirmed for the brand new series of Strictly Come Dancing. The multi-award-winning entertainment show, produced by ±«Óãtv Studios, will return to ±«Óãtv One and ±«Óãtv iPlayer for its new series this autumn, once again bringing glitter, glamour and glorious dancing to homes across the nation. 

Angela Scanlon is an Irish television presenter for the ±«Óãtv and RTÉ. She hosts the hugely successful interior design show Your ±«Óãtv Made Perfect on ±«Óãtv Two. Angela is the only woman in the UK and Ireland to have their own Saturday night chat show with Ask Me Anything on RTÉ One.

Last year, Angela published her first book Joyrider, part empowering guide and part memoir, all about the importance of bringing gratitude into everyday life. Starting off as a stylist, she worked in fashion TV in Ireland, before beginning her UK career as the new presenter of Robot Wars along with documentaries for the ±«Óãtv.

Angela Scanlon says: "I’m terrified, I’m excited and I have so many questions. Will they make me tan? How itchy are sequins?! Do they do flesh coloured sports bras? Well - there’s only one way to find out, right!? Now I’m panicking a bit... but also secretly thrilled about the prospect of all that glitter. Let’s go!"

The news was revealed on the ±«Óãtv Radio 2 Breakfast show on Monday 7 August.

The remaining celebrity contestants joining the new series will be announced in due course.


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