
Supporting public service TV in Tunisia

±«Óătv Media Action is working with national broadcaster TĂ©lĂ©vision Tunisienne (TTV) on an ambitious programme of projects to help it transition to a public service broadcaster and to embed the values and standards that this requires.

Since the revolution in January 2011, the media sector in Tunisia has enjoyed new post-Arab Spring freedoms. But it remains in a state of flux.

±«Óătv Media Action is working with national broadcaster TĂ©lĂ©vision Tunisienne (TTV) on an ambitious programme of projects to help it transition to a public service broadcaster and to embed the values and standards that this requires.

In addition to production training for TTV’s coverage of the , and innovative programmes such as the debate show , ±«Óătv Media Action has also supported audience development, training TTV’s back-office management operations, and advising on improvements to Tunisia’s media newly independent regulation framework.

This work as a whole aims to enable public service broadcasting in Tunisia to flourish.

A woman and man in a TV studio
Tunisian TV training supplied by ±«Óătv Media Action.


Audience participation

TV remains the most important medium in Tunisia (98% of Tunisians access TV once a week and 86% once a day). ±«Óătv Media Action seeks to help TTV serve under-represented audiences in Tunisian media such as young people and rural regions.

In addition to the development of the popular debate show  which brought in authentic voices from all parts of Tunisian society, ±«Óătv Media Action also helped TTV produce the pioneering , an online TV show providing a voice for youth, online and regional audiences. Audiences particularly appreciated the programme’s use of social media. “This is a good thing that they show us these comments [from Facebook]… it adds credibility” said a young man from Kairouan. “I like the idea of Facebook because [people] can talk freely,” added another young man from Sousse.

Targeted training

In addition to developing production skills, the project also focuses on TTV’s management and operations. Training includes HR support, such as drawing up full, clear job descriptions which help station staff know their rights, duties and responsibilities. Finance teams have been given training to ensure that programme makers know more about their financial responsibility during production and increase the transparency of the organisation. Other training has included branding, strategy, editorial standards and the development of sustainable in-house training resources.

Media regulation

One of Tunisia’ post-revolution achievements was to create a basis for an independent media regulatory framework. ±«Óătv Media Action has supported this development through leading consultations and developing guidelines aimed at improving the neutrality and professionalism of media regulatory bodies in Tunisia.

Project information

Project name Supporting the development of public service broadcasting in Tunisia
Funder The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office's Arab Partnership Fund
Dates 2011-2016
Themes Governance
Broadcast partners TĂ©lĂ©vision Nationale Tunisienne, ±«Óătv Arabic Service 


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