
Supporting Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan

±«Óãtv Media Action’s short films available in community centres help people cope with life as a refugee.

How short films have helped Syrian refugees connect and cope.

Over 3 million people have been displaced by the conflict in Syria. But even in the relative safety of Lebanon and Jordan where many have fled, confusion persists. 

From practical advice about  and , to information on trauma, immigration and domestic violence, ±«Óãtv Media Action’s short films available in community centres help people cope with life as a refugee.

In this together

Collaboration is at the heart of this work. Film topics covering , legal,  and  were chosen in consultation with aid workers and refugees and produced by talented Syrians – journalists, actors and producers – who themselves had been displaced.

One mini-drama produced in 2013 highlights the dangers of engaging with 'brokers', or middle men, who claim they can arrange speedy registration or even resettlement in Canada for a fee. Many people have lost money in this way and the short film explains that refugees are never expected to pay for services provided by the UN and other agencies. After watching the broker film, one refugee living in Jordan reflected that, “I wanted to make sure to get all information about immigration so I’m not exploited.â€

Another series, ‘’, produced in 2015 to address tensions between refugee and host communities in Lebanon shows two characters, one Syrian and one Lebanese, working together to overcome everyday problems.

Films are shown on TV screens, and tablets at community centres run in collaboration with Relief International in Lebanon and UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) centres in Lebanon – and are available to download via a dedicated app.

Project information

Project name Connections and Communication for Protection
Funder  and the 
Dates 2013 - 2016
Themes Resilience and humanitarian
Outputs Short films and tablet/mobile app
Partners Relief International

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