
Future-proofing Afghan media

±«Óătv Media Action worked with five radio stations in provinces across the country, training and mentoring station staff to help improve their editorial and financial skills.

Training will help build the capacity of the staff and will increase the quality of the programmes.
— Radio Rabia Balkhi's station manager, Mobina Khairandesh

In the past decade the media in Afghanistan has grown dramatically despite the country’s ongoing conflict and economic crisis. With the right support, media has the potential to play an even greater role in national life by helping people hold those in power to account and encouraging open discussion about life in Afghanistan today.

±«Óătv Media Action worked with five radio stations in provinces across the country, training and mentoring station staff to help improve their editorial and financial skills. Training was designed to help them improve the quality of their discussion programmes and become more financially stable, for example by enhancing their ability to attract increased advertising revenue.

The programmes helped people from marginalised sections in society, particularly women, to take part in public discussion and question those in positions of power. We ensured that female staff members from each of the participating stations benefitted from our training and mentoring. 

Seated participants at the radio station discussion
An audience preparing for a debate at Radio Rabea Balkhi

Radio Rabia Balkhi in the north of the country is staffed entirely by women. “We need to produce new programmes and improve our current programmes” said Mobina Khairandesh, station manager.  â€œThis [±«Óătv Media Action training] will help build the capacity of the staff and will increase the quality of the programmes.”

Our training helped Radio Bamyan in the central highlands of Afghanistan to hold a community discussion on the future of the province’s ski industry. The broadcast – in which audience members put questions to a panel drawn from sport, politics and civil society – aimed to make government plans for the industry more transparent.

To improve communication, collaboration and editorial independence, we set up a ‘Media Sustainability Working Group’, which included the managers of the five radio stations along with representatives from national media organisations. Through meetings, training and information sharing, it’s hoped the initiative will help future-proof Afghan media as the country continues to develop.

Project information

Project name Future-proofing the Afghan Media: sustainable media independence for greater accountability
Funder EU -  (EIDHR)
Dates 2015–2016&ČÔČúČő±è;
Themes Governance
Outputs Capacity strengthening
Broadcast partners Radio Muzdha, Herat Province, Radio Nargis, Nangarhar Province, Radio Suli Paigham, Khost Province, Radio Bamyan, Bamyan Province, Radio Rabia Balkhi, Balkh Province.

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