
Media development: An evaluation of five capacity-strengthening projects

This research report articulates ±«Óătv Media Action’s evolving approach to capacity strengthening within the media development sector. It shares findings from the recent evaluation of five different capacity-strengthening interventions in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Nepal and the Palestinian Territories.

Publication date: February 2016

Authors: Rosie Parkyn and Sonia Whitehead 

Overview:  ±«Óătv Media Action has been involved in media development since the organisation was founded in 1999. Central to our capacity strengthening approach is an embedded mentoring model, where local mentors spend extended periods embedded within a media organisation to support the production of programme outputs and to ensure that skills and knowledge gained from this process become ingrained in individual and organisational practice.

Our findings broadly support the effectiveness of this model across the four, inter-related levels at which we work: audience, practitioner, organisation and the wider media system. But a number of long term challenges remain – political, financial and institutional - which will need to be addressed in order to secure sustainable changeThe report concludes with concrete recommendations for the media development sector as it seeks to improve the systematic evaluation of its capacity strengthening initiatives.

For further information and to comment on this paper please contact media.action@bbc.co.uk using the subject line: Capacity-Strengthening Paper consultation.

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